Thursday, October 24, 2019

What a Shock: Vulgar Animals at City Hall Refuse to Hand Over NAMES OF DIRTY COPS!

1,423,566 @ 4:06 pm 
1,423,562 @ 4:01 pm
Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
Public Records Division
One Ashburton Place, Room 1719
Boston, MA 02108

Dear Mr. Chan,

As the Supervisor and I both agree -this is a matter of great public interest.   Tragically, there are less than two weeks to the election and the last thing city hall wants is to be honest and fair with the voters, so the typical games that we have seen play out through a number of public records requests and at least two Open Meeting Law violations persist with this new gaming of the system that Medford City Hall calls " Amended Response to Mr. Viglione’s records request."

Medford City Hall falsely claims that a higher office - the AG's public charity division - is investigating the TV station.  Solicitor Rumley especially likes using this big blast of subterfuge to achieve his ends - his "investigation" of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. - a 501c3 that he was appointed to the board of (where does Mr. Rumley get his legal advice? Rudy Giuliani?  I'm NOT being humorous - I am making a sad and pathetic point.)  Now they have publicly stated that Marian Ryan is investigating.  Ms. Ryan is as trustworthy as Rudy Giuliani and Mr. Rumley, and I have proof.    When I was violently attacked by the city clerk, a physical and verbal assault, they filed false charges on me to:

a)stifle my ability to exercise the First Amendment

b)drain my monies which - as an over sixty person - was pure malice on their part

c)they lost the case, of course, and the violent city clerk snubbed a subpoena to show up at criminal court 1/31/17.

So Mr. Rumley sent it to the AG's office back in 2014 or so, five years later - well, your office has seen my plethora of public records requests trying to get a straight answer.

Now we have a not-ready-for-prime-time police chief in Jack Buckley (I am NOT being humorous; I am being factual based on information and belief,) a city lawyer whose hands are beyond unclean, and a mayor desperate to stay in office that she will hide information on ammunition found at the McGlynn school, hide information on alleged sex crimes at the high school - potentially involving (allegedly) a member of her own family, so are we shocked that they don't want to be honest with the citizens of Medford whose taxes they raise with impunity, with services denied those taxpayers, cable ratepayers, anyone they can squeeze.

It's yet another election cycle.  This IS the big story in Medford, more police "misconduct" to go with the police corruption that was on national TV - the movie The Cops are Robbers as well as ex-Medford police officer Stephen Lebert's death threat.

Rep Paul Donato has stated publicly that this is THE most protected right (political speech during an election cycle.)

Mr Rumley told the public and a retired judge that the city doesn't limit speech - that is EXACTLY what his office is doing, limiting speech for their own selfish ends, their own gain, NOT in the best interest of the public.

Medford runs like pure organized crime.   Violently attacking a journalist and claiming the victim is intimidating an alleged "witness" that probably wasn't even there - the victim - me - certainly didn't see the then-city council vice president. 

Now their excuse is the hot potato is at Marian D. Ryan's office, when Ms. Ryan perpetrated a fraudulent lawsuit against a journalist that a judge was disgusted with.   A separate judge, Yee in Somerville court, threw Mr. Rumley off the witness stand for "irrelevant testimony."

So let's list the judges:

Judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson (retired) - Mr. Rumley lied to her in November of 2008, his big 1st Amendment speech.

This letter is proof that Rumley wasn't being honest with the judge.

Judge Yee - Sept 1, 2016 - removes Mr. Rumley from a witness stand when I objected to what the judge called "irrelevant" testimony

Judge Michele Hogan did NOT like Marian Ryan's fraudulent case against a senior citizen victim of an assault

Judge LaMothe said to me in open court "You're very logical."

Judge Fitzgerald said - in open court in 2016 "You're an intelligent man."

This intelligent, logical man notes to the Public Records Division that Medford City Hall is engaged in a cover-up.  They are not being forthright with the public, and this e mail should now be on the public record AS a public document that Medford citizens are being scammed by the Muccini-Burke administration.

And that's my professional opinion - based on information and belief.

How sad, the head of public safety, Jack Buckley, lockstep with these animals.

I respectfully request a quick determination that Medford city government needs to hand over the names of the officers involved immediately as it IS an issue for the election.
Thanking you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter

Most sincerely,

Joe Viglione