Thursday, October 31, 2019

We Have ReProgrammed Rumley's Brain - Sieg Heil, Baby!

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The Evil of Mark E. Rumley is forever imprinted on his brain.

Rumley chose to belittle and battle the citizens. We are the truth-seekers exposing Rumley as the charlatan/hypocrite that he is.

Mr. Rumley is obsessed with keeping our thoughts off of the access station, violating his oath of office.

Rumley is a bully.

He wanted to play this game, let him look in the mirror every day reading this news site that identifies the clown for exactly what he is - the Adolph Hitler of Medford, Massachusetts.

Rumley is a shill for the devil himself, McGlynn.

Rumley is calling in the cavalry because one individual has the integrity and the courage to call him out on the police scandal.

Hey Jack Buckley, calling dirty individuals nice things;   engaging in what the weekly paper called "police misconduct" by framing the creeps as "good people," is like saying Adolph Hitler is a saint.

It's disgusting.

And the propaganda from Medford city hall is EXACTLY the style employed by Hitler.

 Here's the Rumley playbook

These Nazis who took over Medford city government are thugs.

Sieg Heil Jack Buckley

Sieg Heil Mark Rumley

Sieg Heil Stephanie Muccini-Burke

May you all rot and burn in hell for all eternity!

Sieg Heil
/ˌsēɡ ˈhīl/
a victory salute used originally by Nazis at political rallies.

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