Friday, October 18, 2019

THE DEBATE: Joe Vig's Quick Thoughts on Lungo-Koehn vs Muccini-Burke

1,420,033@2:20 am
1,419,763 @ 4:05 pm

More thoughts later...have to watch it again!

Thoughts about the debate

later today.

1)A slicker Mayor Burke is something that I warned the city.   She learned after the pummeling by Bob Penta four years ago.

2)Breanna Lungo-Koehn has the larger audience, more applause for her.

3)Breanna stumbled a bit out of the batter's box with the first question.  She got better as it went along.

These two women WERE friends a decade ago, but when Muccini-Burke got dragged down into the whirlpool of the "Dark Side of McGlynn" the lies from the Mayor's lips were oh so obvious.

4)Breanna got punches in:

---the gun magazine at McGlynn school

---the broken streets

---the inability of residents to talk to the mayor.

Mayor Burke got very little response on the diversity issue rambling on about the Farmer's Market...bizarre

There was an audio buzz throughout, good old Patrick Gordon - was he involved?  

Breanna owned the substance

Mayor Burke, now slick-tongued, said what she had to say.  Bragging about "Next Door" and "Twitter" and "Facebook" which is negligent, but like Trump, she's bragging about it.

"Every day getting information out..."

Really?  This online magazine gets REAL information out that Mrs. Burke doesn't want you to know.

Thoughts about the debate

later today. 

Thoughts about the debate

later today.