Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fire Deanna Devney at the Mayor's Office Before Stephanie Loses Election in 2 Weeks

1,422,165 @ 11:50 am

For Immediate release

Stephanie Muccini-Burke can't or won't fix the broken roadways, so that campaign LIE in 2015 that parking would be free for seniors was just that, a lie.   Dishonest Muccini-Burke can't fight fair, she's so much like Donald J. Trump that it is disgusting.


Now, 14 days from an election, Mayor Burke is giving 65+ seniors what she promised them FOUR YEARS AGO - but it is a campaign stunt.  As much of a stunt as McGlynn bringing Verizon to the city many years too late, as he denied the citizens to help his friends at Comcast have no competition!

That's the type of individual(s) ruining Medford - Mrs. Burke abusing seniors, taunting them in a pitch for their vote, while her own 93 year old mother allegedly campaigns for her inside Tempone Manor.  What kind of mayor stashes her own mother in the projects when Mrs. Burke and her husband rake in the dough, and have bloated pensions awaiting them?  They take up precious space in the projects for low-income people and stash dear old mom there.   It's so wrong on many levels.   Look at how Burke treats her own mother and you see how Burke treats us, the members of the elder community.  Mrs. Burke has treated seniors horribly, and I've filed a complaint on the senior abuse with Neil Osborne - "diversity director."

Mr. Osborne told me it goes "up the food chain," meaning - he sends the complaints to the abuser herself, Mrs. Burke.
WHAT A COWARD.  By the way, Mr. Osborne and his disability commission violated the OPEN MEETING LAW and this writer is the one who pressed the issue and caught them red-handed not allowing "Facebook Live" during a meeting closed to Facebook Live, in violation of the Open Meeting Law.  Osborne, like many of Muccini-Burke's sycophants, is useless and should be removed.

Neil isn't fighting for the elder community.  He just grabs a paycheck and doesn't do his job.

Neil Osborne, Diversity Director, nosborne@medford-ma.gov ... fair housing, disability, human rights, discrimination, hate-related incidents and/or crimes.

Bob Penta was going to remove PAY TO PARK. I believe that Penta won the 2015 election and was cheated out of the victory. 

This writer advised the FBI in July of 2015 that the Medford election would be stolen.  

City Hall sent a violent stalker and a violent city clerk to harass this writer within three days of each other - June 13 - June 16 2015 - now either the victim is the unluckiest guy in the world, or he was targeted by city hall.   It is alleged that Mayor Burke's husband said "Payback begins tomorrow" after the 2015 debacle, and that he, a clerk of courts, had a "hit list."   In CRIMINAL COURT, the now ex-city clerk failed to show up under subpoena.  City Council President Richard F. Caraviello LOST in criminal court, January 31, 2017, within the same couple of weeks that Police Chief Sacco's son had his truck, keys, gun removed for allegations of drunk driving. No field sobriety test, no breathalyzer.

City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley WASTED the better part of a day of taxpayer dollars on September 1, 2016 when he showed up in court when this writer filed for an extension of an HPO (Harassment Protection Order, basically, a restraining order) on the stalker that Rumley was supporting.  Rumley whined like a little child "I was under subpoena."  No, you had every right to go to the court and tell them that you had nothing to add. 

Judge Yee threw Rumley off the witness stand after my simple "objection."  Yee cited irrelevance of Rumley's testimony as the reason.

That one incident alone should have had the city lawyer removed from office for abuse of power.  As with Trump's upcoming impeachment.

Rumley supported a violent stalker, and then spent time hanging out with Harvey Alberg and Arthur Deluca of TV3, individuals he was supposed to be investigating.   Individuals Rumley promised the public (see Medford Transcript) that he would investigate.  Then Rumley ran from investigating the board of directors that Rumley was a part of.  More Donald Trump conflicted nonsense that takes advantage of Medford taxpayers.  Medford cable TV ratepayers cheated by solicitor Rumley ...repeatedly.

There are serious allegations of Muccini-Burke and her mentor, Michael J. McGlynn, interfering in the 2015 election - the broken computer chip at one of the polling places, a member of Muccini-Burke's transition team bragging that he got 500 votes for her (allegedly driving people, allegedly undocumented aliens, to polling places) and another issue that multiple sources have informed me of regarding alleged sleight of hand that I will not print here to protect confidential informants.  Violent ex city clerk Edward P. Finn touching the votes.  How was that fair to Mr. Penta and the majority of the community that honestly and ethically voted for the better person, Bob Penta.

Deanna Devney now sends a press release offering the free parking that Muccini-Burke promised citizens she would implement in 2015.
Our magazine has pounced on Muccini-Burke's big fat lie since the 2015 installation of a not-ready-for-prime-time mayor.

Like Bob Penta, Breanna Lungo-Koehn now wants to make parking enforcement "in house."  Glad that Breanna is taking a page from her good friend Bob Penta's playbook.  Breanna needs to acknowledge that publicly.    Al Gore didn't embrace popular Bill Clinton, and look what happened to Gore!    Gore was cheated by the Supreme Court and so was America.  It resulted in a costly and useless war.

In the next two weeks Breanna Lungo-Koehn needs to praise her friend Bob Penta and fight hard for the citizens with an election two weeks from today.

Deanna Devney, by issuing this day late and a dollar short press release, is channeling Mick Mulvaney from the crumbling Trump White House.  Give her the pink slip.  In a perfect world Deanna's not going to have a job come January anyway...

Contact: Deanna Deveney, ddeveney@medford-ma.gov; 781-393-2405
October 21, 2019

Mayor Stephanie Muccini Burke Introduces Free Residential Parking Permits for Seniors and People with Disabilities

Mayor Stephanie Muccini Burke is pleased to announce that residential parking permits are now free for seniors ages 65 and over, and that vehicles that display a handicap placard do not need to purchase a residential permit.
Seniors 65+

Free residential permits must be obtained in person at ParkMedford, located at 557B Main Street. Seniors must show a valid Massachusetts driver’s license as well as their vehicle registration reflecting the street for which you require a permit. Two free visitor passes will be provided upon request. Seniors who do not have a vehicle may still get two free visitor passes.