Friday, October 25, 2019

Today's Lame Defense from Crooked Medford City Government!

1,424,021 @ 8:01 am

This is America

This is about freedom of the press

This is about the public's right to know.
 First it was the PERSONNEL issue.

City Hall LOST on that one.

     So AFTER City Hall missed the deadline, the clock started ticking on October 10, 2019, now that lackey, Mark Rumley, files in tardy fashion that it is an "investigatory exemption."


      We just want to know the names of the disciplined cops prior to the election.  That has absolutely no bearing on the investigation.

     Today we're putting in a public records request for every name on the force and their salary.

     What will Mr. Rumley's excuse be for this information of great public interest?

They don't call him "sad Sacco" for nuthin' !

8:01 am

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