Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Letter: They Will Have to Murder Me Now! Opening the Floodgates, Take No Prisoners!

1,427,503@1:03 pm
1,427,490 @ 12:45 pm 
1,427,468 @ 12:06 pm 
1,427,451 @ 11:44 am
72,510 to one and a half million@ 12:45 pm
     72,549 to one and a half million!@11:44

On October 24, 2019 the Secretary of State's office determined that the city of Medford has to hand over the 26-30 names of the  individuals involved in what the Medford Transcript called "police misconduct."

Rumley's Poor Form:
After the Law Office saw the time elapse Mr. Rumley, with his usual flair for histrionics, comes back kicking and screaming and putting on the document the names of Assistant Solicitor Scanlon, Mrs. Burke, Chief Jack D. Buckley, Alan MacDonald Esq., Jason Powalisz Esq, Harold MacGilvray president of the Medford Police Patrolmen's Association - and our friend Harry should know better! Sgt. David Buono and then the district attorney with the unclean hands, your girl not mine, Marian Ryan.*

(After I was violently assaulted at city hall by the city clerk; the second time I was attacked in 5 years at city hall for participating in free speech at the city council - Marian Ryan pressed false charges of "witness intimidation" on the  victim.  It cost me thousands of dollars to defeat the old witch.  But your money goes south, Ryan much too afraid to go after real criminals beats up on some old homo senior citizen AFTER he was violently assaulted.

Now either Ryan hates homosexuals or seniors or she is just your garden variety crooked sleazy district attorney.
A betting man would go with the latter.   Oh, and here's the punchline, one of Mark Rumley's fellow board members of the TV station that I personally shut down is the other person who threw a punch at me. In front of Rumley's office door. That was front page news, and the police determined that I was the sole victim while Rumley's three accomplices from his board at TV3 were the people of interest.  It all goes back to violent Medford city hall, doesn't it?  Where's Jimmy DiPaola when we need him?  In some cemetery nine years ago... Michelle Carter has nothing on Medford city government.
With friends like that, Sheriff Jimmy, who needs enemies? )

So why all the legal and police help when little ol' me got the Sec of State to demand the names of the allegedly crooked officers?

It's called circling the wagons or calling in the cavalry.

Jason Powalisz...oh my God, he looks like Bretton James from Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.
Money never sleeps in allegedly goes off to some mansion in Ireland or the southern part of California
ha...but it hardly stays in Medford...not when the wholly owned subsidiary of city hall, The Medford Transcript even
blurts out that the cops involved engaged in "police misconduct."  Maybe that's called self inoculation?
How did THAT work out for crooked Donald J. Trump with the release of the phone call to Ukraine transcript? Not very well.

And then I got a death threat that there's a bounty on my head on or about 9:30 pm that night, October 24, a week before Halloween.
Like I've never been threatened before in Medford, from Chief Sacco on down to MULTIPLE stalkers.  And there in a court of law, 9/1/16, Mark E. Rumley has nothing better to do than violate his oath of office again with testimony Judge Yee ruled "irrelevant."

Well, when an irrelevant city solicitor is on the witness stand, expect some irrelevant testimony.  Oh and you can't file 
"witness intimidation" charges when a creepy individual is thrown off the witness stand for not being a witness.  

Ivory Soap wants to grab Rumley's fingerprints from the courthouse for their next commercial on how they can clean even the dirtiest of hands.   

No wonder Mark E. Mark had to call in the cavalry!!!!!

And that's your city lawyer hard at work being a jerk, not doing the job you paid him to do.   Hey Jason, I need a labor law 
attorney since I put in the only legitimate proposal to operate TV3 Medford and they screwed the citizens out of a smart program director. Why hire talent with so many hacks like Pat Gordon and Ben Brown around to do their bidding.  Call me. We'll do lunch!  

Hey Alan MacDonald, please join us and fight with me to free up access television.  I have just a little experience in access going back to 1979. As a novice I'm just getting my feet wet, my interviews of producers of a band you may not have heard of, The Rolling Stones,
or their guitar player, or directors Robert Zemeckis and Jodie Foster, up and coming talents that I believe in.  All banned in Medford because Mark E. Rumley is a vicious, malicious, vindictive individual. And those are his better qualities.

Rumley won't let me help those young and aspiring talents...they could become very famous some day on Medford access TV, but we are all denied that opportunity by the Censorship Ghoul, Mark E. Rumley, feasting on free speech and spitting on his
oath of office!  

And poor Harry MacGilvray gets the conflict of interest violation when it was Rumley that deserved that award.

The lack of transparency is something Breanna Lungo-Koehn published in a press release, and we are going to scrutinize that press release to reveal what Mayor Burke, Rumley, the Chief of Police Buckley and other reprobates are down to.

The use of the word reprobates is being kind.  These are very bad people sucking on your tax dollars, ripping you off in a huge scandal.

Medford needs an intervention from these deceptive and underhanded thugs.

You see, the city of Medford is pure organized crime under the Godfather, Don Michael McGlynn
On second thought, let's let Breanna Lungo-Koehn speak for herself --- we'll analyze her thoughts in another day or two:
Mayor's Burke's fundraising totals show her campaign is bankrolled by a very different group of people.  55% of her donations in 2019 are from outside Medford - approximately $50,000 in outside money flooding Medford to influence voters.  This is seriously concerning.  The details are located here:

To dig into the details further, 17% (over $14K) are from developers or the lobbyists and architects of developers living OUTSIDE Medford.  This includes $1,000 from a representative of Combined Properties, owner of various lots subject to the haphazard Mystic Ave rezoning attempt pushed forward by Mayor Burke and withdrawn after serious questions were raised.  The donation was made in May, the month before the ill-conceived plan was submitted to the City Council for approval.

There are $1,450 in receipts from Tufts leaders, including the head of community relations.  These contributions were accepted despite the ongoing negotiation of the PILOT agreement, a contentious Tufts development proposal approved by the City and failed attempts to convince Tufts to share its future master plan.   There is also $200 from a leader of Melrose Wakefield hospital despite the ongoing negotiations regarding the future of Lawrence Memorial.  

The donation was made in June, 2019 when negotiations were unresolved.  

Mayor Burke needs to explain to voters what these donations are for and what types of conversations she had about City business with donors throughout the election cycle.

Conclusion- Mayor Burke, Chief Buckley, they whore themselves out for the dollar bill.  They spit upon their oath of office,
they are cruel to the citizens they steal their paychecks from, and they are destroying your way of life for the oldest motive
in the world, money.

Medford needs an intervention from the whores of McGlynn - Mrs. Burke, Jack D. Buckley and what someone called 'the devil himself," Mark E. Rumley

Rumley doesn't hear what we hear - or if he does hear it he turns a deaf ear when a resident says "I wouldn't let him touch my baby."

A little logic when the city lawyer has such unclean hands.  Burke's administration out there kissing babies and  handing out lollipops, Satan taught the crooked Medford city government well.


more to come

Election day is less than a week away.  Do you want crooked Burke & Rumley, LLC whoring themselves out for McGlynn while screwing you?


Joe Viglione  

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