Monday, November 9, 2015

Ruth Balser's Bill on Access TV

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 Tuesday, November 10th at 1pm in Room B-1 at the Massachusetts Statehouse, the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy will hold a public hearing on two bills:  H2847 & H2867.

H2847 is an "An Act to support community access television" sponsored by Representative Ruth Balser and originally submitted by MassAccess.

Speak in support of the bill. You can download a copy of the bill HERE.
This bill is modeled after the "CAP Act" (Community Access Preservation Act) introduced in Congress (and still under consideration) in 2013 by the Alliance for Community Media.

H2867, on the other hand, is an "An Act to modernize communications policy for voice services" and was sponsored in part by Verizon. This Act may go against FCC rules on net neutrality and be anti-consumer as well.  Speak against this bill at the hearing. You can download a copy of that bill HERE.

The November 10th hearing is open to the public