Monday, June 27, 2016

I Stopped a Drunk from Getting Behind The Wheel: ATT PAT JEHLEN

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Dear Pat Jehlen: on Drunk Driving

Dear Senator Jehlen,

On November 3, 2015 a local politican was so drunk that I feared for the safety of others and his own safety.

He was adamant that he was going to drive his mother's car home, when he was beyond drunk, he was inebriated past inebriated, and his excuse (alcoholics always have an excuse) was because of the election he had the right to get drunk.

He does NOT have the right to take my life or the life of anyone else due to his lack of consideration for others. Yet the individual wants to be an elected official.

He kept trying to get to his mother's car to drive it to his home in his horrible condition. We are NOT talking a little tipsy, we are talking stone drunk where he COULD NOT EVEN WALK. 

Finally, I convinced the individual in a drunken stupor to get into my vehicle. I proceeded to safely drive him home. 

He thanked me profusely and told me what I great friend I am.

Today, waking up either with an allergy attack or something worse, I find about 47 people reading a libelous rant from the individual that eight months ago I went beyond the call of duty to help. He's angry that I am voting for Hillary Clinton.

Another person whose wife works at Medford Housing Authority told me that he lectured the fellow (that individual's name rhymes with "fellow") about drinking in public, that it is NOT a good image for someone running for elected office.

How quick they forget that a good guy was there to stop them from getting on the road and hurting someone else. He thinks nothing of hurting other people, just look at how he stabbed me in the back this morning after my kindness to him.

 Alcoholism is a huge problem It is one of the reasons I voted for you the past 3 elections. You have always been professional. In fact, I voted straight Republican in the last election where you ran EXCEPT for you.

I'm a strong progressive, it's just that these local politics have so many charlatans and untrustworthy people (Robert A. Maiocco, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, the list goes on.)

Then someone has the audacity to call me out on not voting for Stephanie and voting for Hillary, as if that is inconsistent? 

What kind of nonsense. Do I not get to choose the people I want to vote for? Do I not get to consider the person???

I am voting for Leland Cheung this time around as you have had enough time in office and, quite frankly, I am upset that you voted for McGlynn pay raises three times, Pat. 

That was unconscionable.

You never helped me with the TV3 issue. You ignored it. I like you as a person, Pat, but you are treading water and it is time to let fresh eyes look at our city and improve Medford.

We need an access station. Tell me, Pat, what have you done in the past decade to help us with our access TV/? And please don't tell me that the scoundrel, Roy E. Belson, should have his stained fingers anywhere near our access station.

More to follow 

10:55 pm

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