Monday, June 27, 2016

Medford Resident calls my world "Foggy"

746,969 @ 11:25 am
Part II to John Ghilain: Foggy? To call my world "foggy" and then say Hail Trump is opening mouth, inserting foot, and leaving no doubt. My God, how many people are drinking the Kool Aid???? Interesting that people stop me in the street, at stores, at city hall (many of them seniors, but not all) thanking me for fighting the good fight. If you have not seen the change that I have brought about in Medford - exposing Robert A. Maiocco, a truly despicable human being that your police chief allowed to threaten me with a metal pipe (at the council, on camera,) or the theft of my mail, the malicious destruction of property that I've suffered, and having every wild accusation leveled at me by City Hall and TV3, and to have survived, one would think you would show a little respect to someone actually putting his money where his mouth is. My goal was simple: an access TV station for Medford. Where is the money I pay each month and why aren't you outraged about that? Oh, because you think Mr. Trump is the solution? The guy is a train wreck, and my position on it is that perhaps the smartest politician on the planet, Bill Clinton, and one of the most popular, put Trump in as a Trojan Horse.