Sunday, July 10, 2016

Muccini-Burke Makes a BIG MESS for the rest of us to clean up

760,230 @ 5:46 pm 
760,214@ 5:33 pm
1,084 total up to 8 pm July 10
922 @ 5:46 pm so far today
16 in 13 minutes on a Sunday

photo 3:26 pm  Haines Sq., Salem Street and Grant 

Christopher Donovan is now speaking about issues at the city council.   He asked me before the election of 2015:

1)What would Medford look like under Bob Penta?

2)What would Medford look like under Muccini-Burke

That was easy for me to answer BEFORE the election, and now residents see the distress our city is in after the stolen election of 2015.

A)Penta has nothing to hide, so access TV would have been up and running the first week of 2016

Stephanie Muccini-Burke has lots of skeletons in her closet, from her husband to her "work" as Director of Personnel and her failure to be open about a teacher or teachers at the high school, to the Kryptonite-to-McGlynn TV3 issue

B)Penta would have removed the parking kiosks

Stephanie Burke campaigned that she would give senior citizens free parking.  She's ripping us off at $25.00 per senior.

1:27 pm July 10

The DPW dude, Mike Nestor, allegedly has Muccini-Burke over a barrel the way Tv3 ran roughshod over McGlynn. Same with sleazy Superintendent Belson.

So you get unpainted crosswalks, litter litter everywhere, and a clueless woman, Muccini-Burke, rising to the level of her own incompetence, proving the Peter Principal is more than a theory

Medford's ashtray for stray cigarette butts
