Monday, April 10, 2017

VIDEO HERE! - Part 1 of the Jeff Driscoll Interview at Medford Housing Authority

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230 @ 9:58 pm 118 minutes
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watch it here:
Acting EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Joseph "Jay" Macritchie  opens the meeting.
Barbara Vivian saying the Pledge of Allegiance!
Priceless.  "And justice for all."  Right!  If you say so!

watch it here:
Part 1 of Medford Housing Authority Board meeting, April 10, 2017 about 5:06 pm. 1st video 58:51 2nd video 35:10. Boy is this guy long-winded. It was hard for the board to get a question in with Driscoll talking so much. I thought a drone was something that flew above....

Long-winded Attorney Jeffrey Driscoll's interview for the job of Executive Director of the embattled Medford Housing Authority. Years after the dismissal of reprobate Robert Covelle, the reeling Housing Authority is under a dark cloud of rumors as well as the documented wrongdoing which was yet another public embarrassment for the city of Medford. "I'm trying to be succinct" Driscoll notes about 9:30 in on this video - but listen to him ramble on. At least the attorney can speak, unlike city councilors Adam Knight and Richard F. Caraviello, he's articulate and prepared. But my God the guy just rattles it off like a waiter in a restaurant giving you the specials, or like an actor reading the Gettysburg Address. On and on he drones... smoking at Medford Housing Authority? Not if Driscoll calls offenders into his office and bores them to tears.

watch it here:  

watch it here:  

watch it here: