Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Public Records Request for City Council Meeting Minutes 3/28/17

952,021 @ 12:44 am  Twilight Zone time

Keeper of the Records
City Hall
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155

Dear Keeper of the Records and/or Attorney Scanlon or Mr. Finn:

I would like a copy of the meeting minutes of the Medford City Council dated March 28, 2017.  

Attorney Scanlon, if you need an official public records request for those records, please let me know.

I also want to be able to speak - early - at the council meeting on April 4, 2017 the three topics Mr. Caraviello denied me
over the past two weeks, and a public apology from the alleged public servant, Council President Caraviello, who by his
actions, proved he is not serving the public, and that when he says "with liberty and justice for all" during the pledge of allegiance he is lying to the public that he is supposed to serve.  The court case I won proves that in no uncertain terms.

Attorney Rumley, you need to address Mr. Caraviello's disgusting First Amendment violations and instruct the council on how to impeach Mr. Caraviello and his accomplices, Adam Knight (who previously violated Jeanne Martin's civil rights,) and  Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr., who previously violated Robert M. Penta's civil rights at the city council.  As you know, Solicitor Rumley, former councilor Paul A. Camuso and MCC TV3 pulled these same kind of stunts on the late Pasqual J.  "Pat" Fiorello.   Enough is enough.   I am filing with the MCAD against Mr. Caraviello and a federal case against the city and Mr. Caraviello and others.   As you stated to me about TV3, Solicitor Rumley "You don't throw someone out of the country if they are suing the government."   Unfortunately, in Medford, they do not abide by your understanding of the law,
even though YOU are their alleged attorney.

My requests to Solicitor Rumley:
1)Instruct Mr. Caraviello I would like to start the 4/4/17 meeting off with my 3 topics Caraviello's violations of the Open Meeting Law denied me.

2)That the City Solicitor instruct the public on how we can initiate impeachment hearings on Knight, Dello Russo and Caraviello for their vicious assault on the rights of speakers at the city council

3)that City Hall DOES NOT interfere in my life feeds to Facebook

Council President Richard F. Caraviello violated the open meeting law at which is there to ensure transparency:

"It also seeks to balance the public’s interest in witnessing the deliberations of public officials with the government’s need to manage its operations efficiently. 

My speech on the Medford Housing Authority (which Councilor Michael Marks had on the agenda,) and filming at the council meetings (which Council President Richard F. Caraviello had on the agenda) were intentionally squelched:

a)In retaliation for my prevailing over Caraviello's malicious abuse of process in court 1/31/17

b)to defame my position as a respected journalist.  Mr. Caraviello, Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr. and Adam Knight all behave in an inappropriate manner - a pattern where they impede the free speech rights of a Robert M. Penta or a Jeanne Martin 

Though my writing can be found in many books, though I receive press passes on pretty much a daily basis, Caraviello refused to allow me to sit at the table reserved for journalists, DESPITE THE COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT, MICHAEL MARKS, HAVING MY RESUME in advance, as required'.   Mr. Marks - with his bizarre hand gestures to take Caraviello's wrongful conduct and don't say anything - is the true "intimidation of a witness" - in my opinion (though I am NOT a lawyer,) and evidence of elected officials marching lockstep with the dangerous censorship tactics imposed by Caraviello and his accomplices, Adam Knight and Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr.

Equally egregious, the unsparing Councilor Caraviello refused to allow me to speak the week before, on March 21.   Adam Knight called for no more discussion on multiple important topics regarding the high school, Roy Belson was asked not to speak, but did, and then Caraviello refused to allow my input, 

Timeline of Mr. Caraviello's alleged malfeasance

November 3, 2015 Caraviello harasses me @ VFW event post election party - twice yelling "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT" and upsetting me intentionally

December 8, 2015  Police initiate a phony investigation after Mr. Belson and Police Chief Sacco received a public records request on bomb sniffing dogs at the high school and a varsity coach no longer employed.

January 8, 2016 I receive documents for an arraignment of charges on a man the court found innocent January 31, 2017, a year later.

January 31, 2017  the judge dismisses the case Caraviello filed in my favor.

February 26, 2017  A very angry and unprofessional Richard F. Caraviello, writes to my attorney, the man who prevailed over Caraviello in court, with a libelous rant making wild accusations, practicing medicine allegedly without a license, and clearly showing a BIAS AGAINST A PROFESSIONAL JOURNALIST INVESTIGATING THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT, RICHARD F. CARAVIELLO

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Rick Caraviello <rick.caraviello@gmail.com>
To: Mark Rumley <rumley.mark@gmail.com>
Cc: Councillor Paul Camuso <camusop@aol.com>, rclimo@comcast.net,
Date: February 26, 2017 at 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: Defamation

Mark I did see that and some of his latest rantings are getting worse, he now is attacking my business and making serious accusations. You are correct that his attorney should advise him to seek some medical attention. 


Breanna Lungo-Koehn stated at the 3/28/17   

",,,Council Vice President Marks I think it's important in regards to the sub committee meetings that they do get recorded, and it is something that this council has asked for...and I think any subcommittee meeting that takes place, or committee of the whole meeting that takes place in the chambers here should be recorded and should be put on display because I did get a couple of responses from last week's sub committee meeting or committee of the whole  and people were happy they were able to view it online ...people should be able to view every public meeting that goes on in city hall and I think cameras in some of the essential rooms, especially Room 207 and where the Zoning Board of Appeals meet  we need to look into doing that further, I think, for transparency and open government  20:19 in to the video

I would hope that we can implement some sort of resolution for Room 207  ...guidelines best for everybody in Room 207...Facebook, YouTube...because people are interested in a number of meetings in this community and it's important to go public

Councilor Falco   "...I'm in full agreement that those meetings...should be filmed in some capacity. Those meetings are open to the public There are many meetings that happen in that conference room that the public doesn't necessarily know about.  ...We should MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE TRANSPARENT MAKING SURE THAT GOVERNMENT IS EASILY ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY....AND THAT ALL THE MEETINGS CAN BE FILMED AND THAT PEOPLE CAN PARTICIPATE...


26:50 Councilor Lungo-Koehn notes that people should not be required to have a tripod and should be able to use cameras


Rick Caraviello is INTIMIDATING because he DOES NOT WANT TRANSPARENCY.  Maliciously engaging in censorship tactics because Caraviello is licking his woulds that he didn't put his critic away for years and years, as is alleged he was mocking and laughing before the trial on January 31, 2017, before he lost in spectacular fashion, is simply an abuse of power and is as ugly as the Open Meeting Law alleged violation by Anthony Arena that allegedly forced his resignation and/or alleged removal 

Let's eliminate any misunderstanding:

This misleading of the public by Richard F. Caraviello for the purposes of his vendetta against a journalist is CENSORSHIP and a pure violation of the Open Meeting Law

AG’s office: Medford zoning board “misled” public, violated Open Meeting Law

“We agree with [Rodriguez] that Chair Arena’s statements misled the public to reasonably assume that the meeting had concluded,” wrote Assistant Attorney General Hanne Rush in an Oct. 11 letter to Medford City Solicitor Mark Rumley. “Following Chair Arena’s statements, both the audience and the board members rose from their seats, giving the appearance that the meeting was over. The board did not vote on (or even announce) whether to take a recess and did not indicate to the public that it would re-convene following this recess for the purpose of discussion the application.”


It also seeks to balance the public’s interest in witnessing the deliberations of public officials with the government’s need to manage its operations efficiently.  Under Richard F. Caraviello, this did not happen on 3/21/17 and 3/28/17.  Caraviello stomped on this writer's First Amendment rights, and Solicitor Mark E. Rumley claimed he finds that kind of conduct "repugnant."  Here's Mr. Rumley's BIG CHANCE to prove he's not full of hot air and actually has some integrity.  

See this letter from the AG's office:


City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury 
on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing) saying:

“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”

Respectfully, Solicitor Rumley, once again,
here's your big chance to put your money where your mouth is.


Joe Viglione