Monday, August 6, 2018

citizens must scrutinize the Adam Knight Conflict Document and DEMAND KNIGHT'S REMOVAL FROM THE MEDFORD CITY COUNCIL

1,231,444 @ 9:05 am
1,231,367 @ 2:19 am
The arrogant, nasty councilor, Adam Knight, really stepped in it this time.

Now you, dear resident, have a DUTY and an OBLIGATION to tell Mayor Burke that her lieutenant, Adam Knight, spawn of the union(s) - has to recuse himself from the city council itself.

Adam Knight has been caught red-handed.

He is deceitful, a bully, and is VERY unpopular.

It is only because of ENORMOUS union money that Knight is on the city council, citizens loathe and detest Adam Knight.

We need PROGRESS in this city, and Adam Knight's terrible abuse of citizens dying so that he can praise them rather than post motions and resolutions of substance, Knight's perpetual praising of citizens who voted for him, with little or no notoriety - just the fact that they know Knight, is not what he is being paid Thirty Thousand Dollars a year for.

There are other RUMORS about Knight's fracturing of the rules while running for the office of City Council.  That waterfall of information is going to follow --- we already have SOME of the evidence, and Bxxxxx Xxxxxxx of the Medford Republican party promised to get us a document that he didn't deliver.  That's OK, we can get the document on our own. 

We NEVER reveal sources, however, to contact a news outlet and dangle something that we know exists (due to other witnesses,) and then not deliver. Shame on you!

You get one initial, people.  If you know who it is, tell him to be upfront and forthright and hand over the document that will spell ADDITIONAL TROUBLE for a certain reprobate councilor.

A public records request will get the info onto our news site, but I want to see Bxxxxx Xxxxxxx deliver on his promise.

Knight is going down.   There's a waterfall of information we have yet to publish.

But who needs it with what you have already read about Adam Knight this week on this media source.

media source is any resource that serves as a means of communicating to a general, public audience. These sources are important because the medium in which we receive a message shapes the message. For example, television is a kind of visualmedia.