Friday, January 11, 2019

Boston Magazine Attack on Howie Carr

1,301,540 @ 3:27 pm

Note, "born again Christian"  sloppy station manager Steve Marra would air Howie Carr on TV3 Medford.

Marra stated that he can "sin" because he is "saved" - like a toxic  email, perhaps?

From fearless journalist to Trump’s loudest fan. Did he sell out, or buy in?

The VIP experience turns out to be a minor scam. The meet-and-greet consists of you shaking Howie’s hand, getting one of his books—plus a pair of plastic “lock her up” handcuffs—then being shuffled off the receiving line. In fact, most of these VIPs are not VIPs by choice. When Howie announces a Deplorables Show, his website offers only VIP tickets, one of which I bought for $75. Later, he releases “Cheap Bastard” tickets—for this performance, $35—which entitle fans to the exact same show, minus the receiving line.

Speaking personally, I am not made to feel like a VIP. On the radio and in his Boston Herald column, Howie is sarcastic, crude, and proudly chauvinistic. A gunslinger in a target-rich environment, picking off liberal moonbats and PC weenies. In person, he is surprisingly withdrawn, and proves unskilled at making small talk with his fans. Likewise, before I started reporting this story, I assumed Howie was a cocktail-circuit fixture. Turns out no. He tends to stick to his house in Wellesley, venturing out mainly for events like these. When the VIP line thins out, I introduce myself. Howie avoids eye contact and utters a few monosyllabic noises. “How you doing? Hi. What? Oh, okay. Oh, okay. Great. Okay. Good. Okay. Great.” I move on and find a chair.

A couple of months ago, I called Howie to ask him if he’d talk to me for this profile. He said no and abruptly hung up. This was disappointing. I was hoping to get to know him. I’ve always regarded him as a slightly tragic figure, akin to a comic book antihero who uses his powers for all the wrong reasons. Why, I’d love to ask him, does he deploy his wit and intelligence so abjectly?