Friday, January 11, 2019

The Full Weight of a Barber Shop Quartet!!!!

1,301,640 @ 5:53 pm

Rumor of the week: a certain ex city council president went to get a haircut in or around Medford Square and as he was getting up he BROKE THE BARBER'S CHAIR, allegedly. 

Weight Watchers Needs the Business!
What kind of a jackass files a fraudulent criminal complaint on a citizen and then his fat ass purportedly breaks the barber's chair?

Play Instant Karma for fat boy!

This Collins 8088 barber chair goes for $1100.00 or so... he was purportedly whining to the barber that he "compromised" to "let" Falco be council president. 

NO, Falco already had the votes. You can't compromise if there's a done deal in place. Who is paying for the barber chair, if true????