Sunday, February 17, 2019

More Pages Put into Draft

So why are we putting historic  Medford pages into draft?

coming soon?

Stephanie buys more Excedrin!!!!!

So does Gary Christenson

Do stay tuned!

We are leaving Joe Curtatone alone, protecting the Somerville Mayor, actually, since he was sexually harassed by a creepy white-haired old Somerville TV guy.

At least when I get sexually harassed it is while I'm asleep...

Maybe because he knows what a bore he's been lately when I'm awake!   I actually have him snoring on my phone, I am not kidding.   He picks up the phone and falls asleep while I'm outside the can hear me knocking on the tape, too funny.

You wonder why I am keeping my options open, and why I've been a LOT happier lately?

Wonder no more
Hate to say it but when someone's in the throes of a divorce either one or both sides in that divorce - the husband and ex wife, the ex wife and her ex-wife blah blah blah- becomes "damaged goods."

Being someone's "savior" is a feel-good moment, but then they seem to become dependent...

Smartest thing I said a few weeks ago which I stand by:   GROW UP

Medford friend says "Don't let him buy you off."

Well, I took your advice.