Monday, March 25, 2019


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LET'S GRADE THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS - and the reason for this REPORT CARD is the evidence, the structure, as to why Term Limits are ESSENTIAL to bring Medford out of the place where it is right now.

Allie Fiske  A+
Attorney Kim Scanlon A +
Janice Spencer in Law Office  A +
City Clerk Adam Hurtubise A +
Chief Buckley A
John Bavuso  A

Breanna Lungo-Koehn B
Brian Kerins   B  
Paul Ruseau   School Committee  C
Mea Mustone, School Committee  C
Kathy Kreatz, School Committee C

Lauren Feltch  - no rating - but good move, kid, on getting the hell out of the joint!
Michael Marks  D-          city council

Michael Ruggiero   D -    school committee

John Falco - D-
Neil Osborne   F+

Paulette Van der Kloot   F-        Term Limits needed
Richard F. Caraviello     F-
Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr.  F-
Adam Knight    F- 
George Scarpelli  F-
Stephanie Muccini-Burke  F-
Detective Paul Mackowski   F-
Paul Covino   F-
Mark E. Rumley  F - - - -  (four minuses)

The individuals with an F- are self-servants, not public servants. They are a blight upon the city and as soon as they join Ed Finn and Chief Sacco out the exit door, the better off the city of Medford will be.

What?  No Mike Nestor?   Not for this department, but Mike can look forward to an F- anyway, so, don't wait up when we put Part 2 together.  No suspense there.

Descriptions below

Allie Fiske is a hard-working member of the Burke administration.  People in the city tell me what a professional Allie is, and I have witnessed that first hand.  Good person, good attitude, and rumor has it Burke overworks her while other members of the administration allegedly slack off.

What's not to like.  He hasn't slugged me, he hasn't lied to the police, he hasn't skipped out on a subpoena,  he and his wife didn't tell the head of the Republican committee in Medford that Stephanie would win and Penta would lose...IN JUNE of 2015, all disgusting actions that his predecessor Edward P. Finn engaged in* (except for the psychic reading of Stephanie winning, which is an allegation, not a fact as of this date!)

Mr. Hurtubise is respectful, gets his job done, and is in a snake pit with vipers and extremely sick, creepy, unbalanced, illogical individuals (Knight, Caraviello, Dello Russo, you get it....)

Can Hurtubise be infected to steal an election or two?  We hope not.  Right now, so far so good, and as with Chief Buckley, ANYONE is an upgrade after Finn and Sacco, two of the biggest jackasses to ever become city clerk and chief of police.

As with Chief Buckley doing the right thing vis-a-vis the SWAT episode, Adam Hurtubise does his job, even off hours, contacting this media outlet on weekends, and we get the information on the city council out to you, dear residents, which is what it is all about.

Something some government officials ignore or forget, but something that this outlet has put front and center.


Chief Buckley   A
The new chief of police has a good reputation around town.
Let's hope that he works to keep it that way.
The March 7th SWAT incident resulted in a life saved and no casualties.  Some think that bringing in SWAT was over the top and expensive, that it could have been handled with a smaller crew.* (*that's from a police officer who doesn't work in Medford.) 

But our opinion here is that it was a big win for the city, and the victim/suspect.    I say victim/suspect as the individual allegedly has a history with the police, allegedly has serious issues that require counseling, and if it did cost more money to bring in the NEMLEC Swat team - given the suspect's - as mentioned - alleged long history with the Medford police, it was the right call.   So in this very public incident, Chief Buckley rightfully gets praise from this magazine for doing the right thing when there were tough choices to make.

I witnessed the events of March 7th.
All I saw was professionalism, care and concern, and a job well done.  No casualties is no casualties and that's what you want.  A + is well deserved.

John Bavuso,  A  Code Enforcement Officer, (781) 393-2507 .
He's a professional, does his job.
How refreshing in the city of Medford.
Law Office
Atty Scanlon  A+
Janice Spencer A+
Their bosses, Mark and Stephanie  F- - - - and F -
For all the years I have known Janice Spencer and Attorney Scanlon they have been professional, kind, courteous and hard-working. What's not to like?  

We can have one of the best law offices in the Commonwealth, one of the best in any city in the Commonwealth (and town, for that matter) with these two professionals in charge.

Breanna Lungo-Koehn    B
Given that her purported opponent, the current mayor, is graded an F- in this essay, bringing up the caboose, a "B" should be good enough to run for mayor, shouldn't it?

There are two issues I have with Breanna, so - let's get to it:

1)In impossible battles, with 5 bad councilors and Michael Marks being an idiot despite having some intelligence, Breanna should take the hits and just vote her conscience.

Breanna often takes the safe route to play nicey nice with her colleagues.

They do not deserve it.

2)When Ed Finn got out of Dodge the praise from Breanna Lungo-Koehn was disgraceful.

Ed Finn is a pig.  No, strike that.  Cute little piggies are nice animals.  Ed Finn is a bastard.

We get it.  Saying nice things about bad people makes you look good, Breanna, but that thug allegedly stole the election from Bob Penta and handed it to the devil, Mike McGlynn, to hand it over to the devil's handmaiden, Stephanie.


Would the city improve under Breanna Lungo-Koehn?  Most definitely.

Do we give her a free pass because she's the best that we've got.  NO.  Criticism from the press is the best way to wake up the sleeping masses.

Brian Kerins  B

Brian Kerins, Commissioner of Public Works,

Brian appears to do his job and not get involved in the politics, as difficult as that is in Medford.
Oh he does the bidding of the masters, but enough to keep his job.  When the ship was sinking
and Kerins wanted to exit, he stayed on, purportedly because Muccini-Burke had generated so much hatred in the corner office.  He's a good soldier and helped keep things afloat. For that he gets a better grade than most in the city.

Stephanie Muccini-Burke    F-
She was a good person on the city council. She fled to the dark side under Michael J. McGlynn, the "Darth Vader" to McGlynn being "the emperor" (no caps, please!) 

This was a great city councilor who turned into the Wicked Witch of the West.  She can't find her broomstick because George Scarpelli took it to Lenox, Mass.

In another time and place that would be funny if:
a)it referenced only the Wizard of Oz and not a rape
b)that these sick and disgusting individuals are in positions of power.

From Jenna Tarabelsi to the Varsity Coach to the rapes - plural - in Western Massachusetts, in a perfect world these people would allegedly be on the sex offender registry for allegedly covering up sex crimes at the high school...and their little doggy Roy Roy too!   Toto too?  Roy Roy too!

Mark E Rumley
Hypocrite.  Mudslinger.   Gets into hissing contests with Michael Marks at the city council and they both look like juvenile delinquents on company time.  

Why Mark Rumley gets F with four minus signs is legitimate and necessary

a)Mr. Rumley struts around town like he's some kind of iconic figure.  He's just your garden variety jerk

b)Rumley has a thin skin.

His penchant for outbursts and undignified public appearances, his histrionics, all ugly, but not the reason why he should purportedly be under investigation.

It's Mr. Rumley's failure to perform and his receipt of so much money that really sticks it to each and every citizen of Medford,  each and every business, each and every civic group, each and every visitor to Medford.

NOW - consider - if Judge Lamothe calls me VERY logical, if Judge Fitzpatrick calls me "an intelligent man," if Judge Yee threw Rumley off the witness stand for "irrelevant" testimony after I objected to the city lawyer being in a case he had no business being on a witness stand at, and if Rumley tells the citizens that the Medford Housing Authority is a "separate body politic" but trounces my First Amendment right to ask Uncle Gene (McGlynn's uncle) a question at a PUBLIC HEARING (with my camera on,) then you have prima facie evidence that the city lawyer is too full of himself, too juvenile, too touchy touchy touchy to be in such a powerful position in the city of Medford.

If you believe the fight scene in the Matrix II film, that you don't know a person until you fight them, and given my long history with Mark the Shark, dating back to early 2003 - sixteen long years, about a quarter of both our lives, Markie Mark and me, then you'd damn well better believe that Mark Rumley and Joe Vig know each other VERY WELL, to paraphrase Herb Alpert!

Knowing Mark E. Rumley like I do, and given the accolades that I get from many in our senior community, the positive interaction with the three judges noted above, Michael Marks saying to me personally that I'm smart and articulate; telling someone at a meeting of the cable advisory board purportedly that "Joe Vig was right!," Mr. Donato purportedly praising my skills in public access TV (just look at YouTube to see my hard work and honest efforts) I say this not in jest, not as a parody, but as the God's honest truth:  The biggest problem in the city of Medford is Mark E. Rumley, and the sooner Rumley takes a long look in the mirror to see Dorian Gray AND Jekyll and Hyde looking back at him, the sooner Medford can be rid of that scoundrel who hurts our city, who says one thing and does another, who takes on investigating a board of directors that he sat on, and then sits on the report, for that and so many other misdeeds, the F minus minus minus minus rating is the worst of the bunch, worse than Stephanie, worse than Van der Kloot (Roy Belson's waterboy) worse than the despicable Caraviello.

Caraviello is truly a numbskull.  He has an excuse.

Mark Rumley has none.  He is just a very bad man, a very dishonorable person, and an atrocity when it comes to being an attorney for a city that certainly deserves better.

pri·ma fa·ci·e
/ˌprīmə ˈfāSHē/
adjective & adverb
  1. based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise.

    "a prima facie case of professional misconduct"


As I have to get a review of the new FOREIGNER RAINBOW '78 reviewed TONIGHT, we'll have to fill in the blanks on this story later, if time allows.

Foreigner's manager, the late Bud Prager, got his deal with Atlantic Records -owned by the late Ahmet Ertegun, thanks to my attorney, the late Allen Arrow.

I must be getting old.  These great individuals have passed on and I'm still here.  And they were ALL very NICE to me, unlike certain big fish in small ponds, the big fish in big ponds always show respect!

Stones Producer:  Jimmy Miller here to see Bud!

Secretary: Oh, Deena's father 

Miller looks at me..."All those years with the Stones and I'm Deena's father???)  (Deena toured with Meatloaf, Maxine Nightingale and so many others)

ME: Jimmy, let's go to New York.  I've got typing to do, call up Capitol Records and make an appointment for us tomorrow.

Rinnnnggggg: Jimmy Miller...

Secretary: Oh, Joe Vig's friend, I'll get her for you!

(former Medford resident and legend) Miller looks at me: "All those years with the Stones...

Joe Vig: Times change, Jimmy!
(Truth be told, our pairing was a good one, Jimmy knew all the presidents of all the labels, I knew the young A & R men and women...but it was humorous when you've had THAT many hit records and you have to mention my name to get in the door!)
Joe Vig solo:

Calling record label;   RINNNNNG....."Hi, it's Joe Vig for Kevin."

Secretary: He doesn't know you.

Joe Vig: My dear, if Kevin doesn't call me before 3 pm today you'd better start looking for a new job
and then, of course, SLAM! the receiver.

2:30 pm  Rinnnng....."Hi Joe, it's Kevin."

Joe Vig: Kevin, what was THAT all about?  The third degree.

Kevin:  Isn't she great!


9:41 pm Monday March 25, 2019

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