Monday, March 25, 2019

Impeachment Mechanism: Removing Very Bad People from Medford Politics FIXING MEDFORD SERIES

1,328,854 @ 11:38 am

Logical Solutions to Repair City of Medford

by Joe Viglione

     When you present solutions to bad city government, that's when rogue and untrustworthy politicians get very angry.

    Our funny parodies are little epistles pointing the way to repair the incalculable damage thrust upon unsuspecting citizens.

     Charter Change is the first and most important thing to address.  

     Now you can detect a dirty politician when you see Adam Knight get all flustered about changing the charter.  Knight is an obstructionist - he's just lining his creepy filthy pockets with taxpayer monies that Knight hasn't earned, nor does Knight deserve.

         Charter change is essential to removing the mud that has appeared on Medford city government, to get the dirt out one must roll up their shirtsleeves and get to work.

Rumley must go.

Mark E. Rumley creeps me out.  The quintessential wolf in sheep's clothing, the lawyer with unclean hands is a blight upon the city of Medford.

Had Rumley one scintilla of honesty or integrity he would apologize, give a good portion of the money back that the alleged moonlighter pocketed, a tainted salary, and beg forgiveness for his multitude of misdeeds.

Being the selfish bully that he is, an inadequate attorney, don't hold your breath waiting for that bozo to do the right thing.
Medford is one big creepathon, and when a city council president lies to the police, there should be a mechanism in place to put Caraviello, Richard F., behind bars, along with his obnoxious accomplice, Frisadi, Raquel.

Frisadi and her buffoon of a client, Caraviello, should be carted off in cuffs for their unseemly behavior and malicious abuse of the court system, as well as the bad apples on the police force, especially rogue Detective Mackowski and any other individuals in authority found to have betrayed the public's trust in them.
Adam Knight
Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr.
Disgraced Judge Cavanaugh

Judge David E. Harrison, presiding justice at Gloucester District Court, and Judge Paul J. Cavanaugh, first justice at Malden District Court, were ordered to step down this week by Samuel E. Zoll, chief justice of the district courts.

Zoll said the two judges would be absent from the bench “for an indefinite period.”
He would not discuss the reason for the administrative actions against either judge. “All of these matters are confidential,” he said.

The Commission on Judicial Conduct is now investigating whether Cavanaugh leaked information to Harrison about the commission’s early investigation, WCVB-TV and The Boston Globe reported.

Cavanaugh and Harrison are longtime friends and served in the state House of Representatives together in the 1960s.

Cavanaugh’s attorney, Richard Egbert, and Harrison’s attorney, J. Owen Todd, did not return telephone calls seeking comment yesterday.

Jill Pearson, acting executive director of the commission, confirmed that both judges are being investigated by the commission. No formal charges have been made against either judge by the commission.


Hey, if Paul J. Cavanaugh took off his robe and threw it at an attorney in Malden court, as is alleged, and Paul Donato walked in, would Donato grab Cavanaugh the way he grabbed a city councilor in Medford?

 Beaulah Ballbricker in Porky's agrees as she lets out a scream.

Stephanie Muccini-Burke has no shame, just ask a varsity coach who allegedly got away with banging a powerful politician's daughter ...while the son of the ex police chief, ex chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr., got away with alleged drunk driving.

They intimidate.  They abuse their power.

Detective Mackowski looks and acts like a thug.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck.   Occam's Razor makes that quite clear.

Raquel Frisada, A.D.A. enabling the sick mind of the fat village idiot Richard F. Caraviello, is a true piece of work.  Bad shoes, vulgar lipstick, hips so wide that they needed Crisco to paste the walls so that she and Caraviello could get greased on through and into the courtroom.  In a perfect world, Caraviello and Frisadi would have been carted OUT of the courtroom cuffed, shackled and chained.

Imagine old wide-hips Frisadi and Caraviello trying to go through a revolving door?  If they were stuck in the door at the old Coconut Grove more people would have been at risk.

Just put them in the slammer, throw away the key, and public safety is enhanced.

Solutions for Medford:

Go up to the city council, demand the removal of the swine that have infected local city government, we only need two hundred or three hundred people out of sixty thousand to get the message to the bastards, and Medford will be on its way to decontamination.

Cavanaugh knows: Maiocco, Camuso, Donato, Caraviello with his toothless pitbull Tonello, Falco ...if your name ends in O, you are OWNED by former Mayor McGlynn.

Caveat Emptor

Let the buyer beware.

Let's clean up Medford and have Waste Management pick 'em all up to lock 'em up!