Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Change in America Comes from the Bottom Up CNN TV 11:25 pm Former Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio

1,327,200 @ 11:29 pm  Time for Perry Mason
1,327,117@ 9:58 pm  91 minutes, 83 hits.  Very nice!

John Kasich Acting VERY Progressive on CNN tonight ...praising people on the front lines...just like Medford Information Central 

Kasich says that change comes when the people have had enough

When that boorish fat slob Rick Caraviello grabs money as a city councilor that sits on the fence with his fat ass, you know why we have to be raw, crude and vulgar: because it is a reflection of that overweight bloated thug, Caraviello!

Vote the bastard out.