Thursday, March 28, 2019

Dan MacGilvray Attempts to Defend Indefensible Rumley

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DAN MacGilvray
Marks was wrong and disrespectful to the lawyer who represents the people of the City.

Editor JV Responds:

Dan MacGilvray I respectfully note that the public figure city solicitor has been disrespectful to Marks in the past, but also to the residents who have paid millions in cable TV fees when the city lawyer, who was on the board of directors, chose to investigate the board despite the perceived conflict of interests and then DROP the investigation that he should NEVER have been involved with. 

The city attorney allegedly collected credit card bills at Somerville District Court until a former mayoral candidate caught him and reported it to me. The city attorney said "You ratted me out to Joe Vig" purportedly to which the mayoral candidate said "IN a public place like court, how did I 'rat" you out?" 

 The city lawyer used a taxpayer funded e mail from city hall on the Immaculate Conception church website until I ordered him to take it down and use Gmail, to which he complied. Separation of Church and State? Not until I called him out on it. The e mail was under the title "Permanent Deacon" of the church but I no longer see his name on the site so this writer can't figure out where "permanent" comes into it. In my opinion a city lawyer is to protect the citizens who pay his salary, not the alleged wrongful conduct of government officials who disrespect speakers at the podium at Alden Chambers. 

Councilor Marks is hardly a paragon of virtue, see his photo op with a certain state rep for just one bit of proof on that, but in this case he and the city lawyer both create a spectacle when their job is to serve the people of the city of Medford. Both have failed in their obligations to the citizens of this city. Both of them. 

 The city solicitor is way too comfortable and needs to be removed. Medford is far too incestuous for positive change and growth to happen. Far too incestuous.