Monday, September 30, 2019

Daniel Ellseberg and the city of Medford

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119 views in 115 minutes 9:55 pm
89 views in 87 minutes! after 8 pm

Eighty Eight year old Daniel Ellsberg on cable TV tonight explaining how there wasn't a Whistleblower law in place when he did the right thing.

You know, J.J. McLean, Doug Nagengast and others took an oath of office.   So why are they lurking around "the dark side" instead of "doing the right thing?"

When will some of these individuals get a conscience?

I've been waging the good war, fighting the good fight, since 2002 for the city of Medford 

When will the guilty conscience of J.J. McLean finally get to him and get him to do an about face?

Trump, Putin, Muccini-Burke, Rumley LLC

The Real Axis of Evil

9:27 pm
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