Friday, September 27, 2019

The Ron Cox Show - Malden Access TV

1,406,325 @ 2:46 pm

Ron Cox would schedule a guest, then cancel on them for some reason.  Sometimes he allegedly went on vacation, the guest be damned.

But here's how the thin-skinned Executive Director of MATV behaves behind the scenes.

Ron and Anne D'Urso Rose would ask me to get musical guests for the TV station.  Being a publicist at a legendary 26 year old nightspot, I was happy to offer contacts, especially if they lived in the Malden area.

Well, being the thorough professional that I am, I would put together questions for Ron.   It's called PREPARATION and it also shows immense RESPECT for the guest or guests.

A major film director was in Boston for interviews. I could have had a one-on-one in the morning but I had a family commitment.   I chose the "round table" with other critics that afternoon.    This was a very popular director (he still is!) that you all know and love.   I was the only critic prepared to ask questions.   When people got tongue tied I was able to pick up the pace of the interview with one of my prepared questions.

A month or so later at another interview with another director, I was pulled aside and told the film company was impressed and that I was the best interviewer at the round table.

Now what matters is getting the story, not an ego-stroke of being "the best."  I only point this out to explain how preparation goes a long way.

Ron Cox, who rarely is prepared and sometimes has conversations going sideways, was ego-bruised by being handed questions.   Truly, how unprofessional.  It wasn't meant as a slight, it was hard work and honest effort to show respect to the artist and help Ron out.

Then - after he wanted to throw the paper across the room, he calmed down and started reading them.

Ron Cox: "Hey, this is a great question."

What an idiot.   His tender little ego got bruised, boo hoo, when it was a kind act.  Nothing malicious about it.

The E.D. of MATV took something out of context and only after reading saw the benevolence.

Which, of course, is why Ron is stuck in public access and jealous of the hard work and honest effort that this producer puts into his work.

Of course being flown around the country to West Palm Beach, Philadelphia, New York, Seattle as Director of Research for a company supplying PBS with programming, I can understand that some people would be envious.  But my pal, Ron?


Shame on you, Ron.  You owe this hard working person big time.

Ron Cox is currently allowing some stalker to teach your kids. Just don't piss the stalker off, you may find that individual in your driveway snapping your picture and then putting a bloody meat cleaver over your photo threatening to kill you.

THAT is what MATV exposes the members to.

