Monday, November 4, 2019

Breanna Lungo-Koehn GET OUT THE VOTE!

Nov 4 at 10:37 AM
Friend --
The campaign has had a busy seven months. Here’s a list of our accomplishments.
  • 10 videos recorded, published
  • Active Facebook and Instagram accounts with 1,500+ followers
  • 20 coffee hour meetings with small groups of neighbors to listen, learn, share
  • Sharing our plan with the public through the media. Transcript/Patch publishing editorials on the following:
    1. Tufts Master Plan,
    2. Tufts Pilot & Community Benefits Agreement,
    3. Importance of transparency,
    4. Detailed plan for planning and zoning,
    5. Mystic Ave. zoning process,
    6. Statement on political party registration and approach to politics – Democrat, open to all.
    7. Detailed plan for parking changes,
    8. Detailed plan for substance abuse prevention and services,
    9. Detailed plan on City services, 311
  • 100 % of City canvassed almost twice
  • 4 fundraisers with local residents. $75K+ raised, 89% from Medford residents.
  • 20+ person stand outs in Winthrop Circle (2), West Medford (3), Haines Square, South Medford, Medford Square (2), Fulton Heights. Smaller stand outs every day in October.
  • Presence at almost all local events
  • 6 events focused on seniors
  • 750 Yard signs distributed
  • Almost 4,000 volunteer neighbor-to-neighbor phone calls
  • 4,000 ‘dear friend’ cards – neighbor to neighbors
  • 1 debate, 1 Democratic forum, 1 Union forum
  • 6 mailers – 2 on Breanna’s comprehensive plan, 1 on schools, 1 on the environment, 1 on the need for change, and 1 from 75 moms who support Breanna.
  • 100% volunteer led. No professional political campaign consultants. No paid staff. Just Medford residents who care.

We’ve been working hard. Its time to close it out. Let’s get out the vote. It starts with you.
Remind your friends – text 5 friends right now, text 5 more tonight. REPEAT ON TUESDAY.
Volunteer to make calls or hold signs. Even 30 minutes helps. Contact Valerie
Change is up to you! This election will be close. Its outcome is up to you. Can you take 10 minutes to vote, 5 minutes to text, 1 hr to make calls and 1 hr to hold signs? Thats a small investment in time to make the change we want for Medford a reality.
Thank You!
Breanna Lungo-Koehn for Mayor
Please contact us by email and tell us how you would like to volunteer at