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Election 2015 was rigged.
This writer sent the FBI a note that the election would be stolen as early as July 2015
City Hall sent a stalker who later lied to a judge, a creepy woman with nothing better to do than to harass a man she didn't know.
The judge said "He doesn't know you, why are you bothering him."
She lied, under oath: "I see him on TV and he gives his address." Yeah, and thousands of other people see him on TV and they don't lurk around his house.
The truth was Arthur Alan Deluca and TV3, with their strange deal with Medford where the city co-owned the public access equipment (in what city do you see that?,) worked with city officials to harass a man who was social media for Muccini-Burke's opponent.
The jealous, sick woman went after a man she didn't know three days before Edward P. Finn would slug him.
Now either you're the unluckiest guy in the universe, if you believe in coincidences, or you are too smart for them during an election cycle and they know you are on to their "political sabotage."
I estimated that - allegedly - McGlynn estimated how many votes he needed and they did what they did to steal the election in 2015.
They "allegedly" tried pulled the same stunt in 2019.
Breanna was too popular
This magazine let people know how vicious Stephanie Muccini-Burke - and by extension- McGlynn were (Oh!, a Painting of His Highness, his Majesty! Where did that get you, self-serving Mike McGlynn?) and the rest is history. Humpty Dumpty Mikey finally got dumped.
Shredding through the night (and day) / exchanging glances, wondering in the night/what were the chances / Bill Cummings won't take your call, and Mystic Ave is through?
Something 'bout the shredder / was so inviting / commercial grade and all / voila like lightning, pedal to the metal, ignore a FOIA requestttttttttttttt.....................
(sing to the tune of Strangers in the Night)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
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» Breanna Thwarted McGlynn Alleged Political Sabotage
Breanna Thwarted McGlynn Alleged Political Sabotage
By Information Central November 12, 2019