Friday, November 1, 2019

CORI CHECKS AT MEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL - and did an employee NOT get a CORI check?


Dear Records Officer,

I will clarify and submit a new request.

I have great concerns that the public access producers need a CORI check. I believe that interferes with the election, which is what Mark Rumley and Stephanie Burke want - and which I strongly believe is a violation of the oath that both of them took.

As for rentals, I find this deeply disturbing:

"we do not CORI check visitors for a program (a show at Caron Theater, church guests, etc or otherwise)."

That's the point.  If a church rents out the high school, the church is responsible for the attendees.

I tape my TV show, Visual Radio, in a high school.  

There was no need to show this journalist's "clearance certificate" from the Commonwealth of Mass.    Heck, I've never been thrown off of a witness stand for being "irrelevant," and it is the irrelevant one who demands a CORI check, the creepy Mark E. Rumley for whom every day is Halloween.  Who needs a mask when Mark Rumley's every move is masked?  RUMlee just keeps it on every single day of the year. 


Why should there be?  Other access stations don't insult the intelligence of the station manager who is supposed to supervise.

There is no "Rumley CORI check," there is no free speech interference, and CANDIDATES for elected office did NOT want to have to go through a CORI as a matter of principle.

Basically, Mrs. Burke can't win the election fairly, so they (she, Rumley and Mrs. Burke's surrogates or accomplices) design ways of cheating the public out of what the public pays for.

That being said - I realize that CORI checks are not shareable - but it IS a violation of the law to discriminate against access TV producers to stifle free speech (and, by extension, stop criticism of the law office and city hall,) while allowing other members of society to walk freely through the halls of the high school without a CORI check.

Indeed, a church may rent the high school, while access TV producers are "renting" the high school via
the franchise free.

A dishonest man like Mark E. Rumley knows this.   Rumley cheats the ratepayers, utilizes distractions
and does his damndest to keep the citizens from the public soap box.

In my time spanning 40 years in access television I've seen a lot of crooked people do bad things, 
but Mr. Rumley, who should be held to the highest of standards, is the worst of the worst.

Mr. Rumley is a very bad man, and many in the community know it.  They fear him so they shut
their mouths.  But they tell me exactly what is on their minds.

And a coward like Rumley needs to bully producers from being on TV and discussing Rumley's very unclean hands.

I will follow-up soon on this important issue.

Thank you


Joe Viglione  

On Friday, November 1, 2019, 10:23:30 AM EDT, Public Records <mpspublicrecords  wrote:

5) We do not know who may be under police investigation.  CORI checks are run but are not shareable under the law.  

5b) This request is too vague and we do not CORI check visitors for a program (a show at Caron Theater, church guests, etc or otherwise).

Public Records Access Officer