Monday, November 4, 2019

Medford is PURE Organized Crime

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McGlynn's Cronies Will Try to HIJACK the Election...they have to!

Don't vote for McGlynn/Burke Swill:

"...allegedly depict children engaging in pornography"
City Hall document below from public records request/FOIA

"...compensation fraud in working details by Medford Police officers."

Jenna Tarabelsi convicted of raping a 15 year old

Stalkers - multiple - doing the bidding of
Muccini-Burke's accomplices...a creepy woman from Malden with a bloody meatcleaver and a Harassment Protection Order for her illicit acts three days before Ed Finn slugged me.

Then the scary woman hires an attorney who uses the fraudulent Ed Finn "witness intimidation" case as a defense for her disgusting and sick behavior.

THAT is what you get with Rumley and Burke, sick individuals who - by extension from their stalkers (in this case, Arthur Alan Deluca) people acting in a violent and perverted way.

The DPW and its alleged scandals

missing manhole covers

missing curbstones

Crooked Mrs. Burke and Rumley's Unclean Hands are destroying Medford.

Do you want a sleazy stalker following your children to school with a bloody meatcleaver?

Or a TV station "manager" stalking your kids with his car to the point where a victim had to go into court and get restraining orders on those twisted individuals!

That's why your vote matters.

You need to overwhelm - a wave of voters making it impossible for McGlynn to hijack it again.

Medford IS pure organized crime, and Rumley on a witness stand when a judge called him "irrelevant," or Rumley jumping up at Medford Housing AFTER Rumley lied to the citizens and claimed that Medford Housing was a "separate body politic..."  Really?  With your boss's uncle tipping the scales so that McGlynn had full control of a highly suspicious board.

And the sex offender with keys to every apartment.

Sex offenders, stalkers, a dirty city lawyer, a creepy mayor with an even creepier husband...

Feel good about yourself, Medford?

You have a chance tomorrow to defeat the stalkers, sex offenders, demons and thieves...

Cops investigated for compensation fraud

Child porn and cops who can't figure out if the kid is eight years old or eighty.


We're not  THAT stupid when cops intentionally act stupid because they don't want you, the people who pay their salaries, to know how bad things are.

UGLY as a Dr Rabies stalking you with a meat cleaver.  And his fraudulent mayoral run!


VOTE tomorrow to clean up the pit that is Medford

"...allegedly depict children engaging in pornography"
City Hall document below from public records request/FOIA

"...compensation fraud in working details by Medford Police officers."

7:22 pm
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