Monday, November 30, 2020

Bigamists of Medford A New Lively Group Within the City Borders

 And you will be shocked when you find out who the bigamist is!

"I hate funerals.

Never know what to say to the grieving widow, especially if I'm one of them.”    Ms. Benson

"Where's home?

Matlock to Ms Benson 10-20-87




        Matlock "...that’s where you and Kevin lived?" 


"Wouldn't have been a party without her"  Ms. Benson to Matlock about the other wife, Diane who smacked Kevin over the head with a vase

"Can you prove where you were 9:30 pm last night?

"You've been very cooperative"


"Kevin was good at a lot of things"  Ms. Benson