Sunday, November 29, 2020

From the Archives, 2012 When Rick Caraviello first joined the City Council and Behaved Himself


The opposition got a huge boost when the newest City Councilor, Rick Caraviello, completely savaged TV 3 as a useless vehicle that broadcasts NOTHING of community interest, and his discussion with one of the two cable TV providers regarding pulling the plug.

Transparency in Government


Now the one monkey in the wrench, the one possible fly in the ointment, could be Rick Caraviello.

HOWEVER, if you go to Vegas and like to bet, take it from someone who doesn't, don't put your money on Caraviello.

IF Caraviello has the stones to say NO he could run for Mayor. But having watched R.C. want to do the right thing and always fold like the bad poker player he has shown himself to be, chances are you'll see old R.C. with his new Water Taxi cap as the cap cap cap-i-tan of the Boat to Nowhere.

Hopefully we won't have to petition the deficient city clerk to change Rick's name to Cave-a-Viello