Thursday, September 21, 2023

An Interview with Anthony DeZERO Sensitity Training

 interview with Anthony DiZero

DiPierro said he’s taken a certificate course at Suffolk University to learn about equity, diversity and inclusion and wants to bring what he’d learned back to the City Council. But many who had called for him to step down say it would be wrong for him to return, and it's already clear a vote to return DiPierro to office will reverberate far beyond his individual ward.

Hi, it's me, Janis Reed, infamous Boston rock writer from the 1970s, and Joe has recruited me to interview disgraced and highly embarrassing Anthony DiPierro.

Anthony, you are no longer a racist and a big old homo?

Anthony: Yes, I took sensitivity training at Suffolk and the Anita Bryant Homo No Mo course.

Janis: How did that work out for you?

Anthony: Well, I still kiss cousin Carlo's ass, but I do French kiss with black men, only!  I do not lust over handsome white guys!

Janis: I see, so you're a chubby chaser and are engaged to Deanna Deveney.

Anthony: Look, I like to lie, but even I have some modest scruples, I'm not going to go THAT far!

Janis: How did Suffolk University certify you as non-racist.  Shock treatment?  Chemical Castration?    Drinking Kitty Dukakis's Aquanet?   Drinking at Madame Knight's bar, Casey's in Somerville with Carlo's pal, gangster Michael J. McGlynn?

Anthony: Cousin Carlo's wallet does work miracles.

to be continued