Friday, September 22, 2023

Medford Police Never Arrested the Child-Porn King of Medford Who Allegedly Took Nude Photos of 15 Year old Danny

1,522,121 @ 9:37 pm
1,522,112 @ 9:22 pm
1,522,083 @ 8:15 pm 
1,522,057 @ 7:58 pm

You can tell more about a bad city lawyer by what he intentionally didn't do, than about him getting thrown off of a witness stand or making a fool of himself at a Medford Housing Authority meeting...or arguing with Michael Marks in front of the entire community.

If the charlatan Rumley, masquerading as a kind and benevolent soul, is such a morally upstanding man, why didn't he go after an alleged child pornographer?

Is it because Rumley sat on the same board of directors that the person accused in the floppy disc porn case sat on?

House Democrats say in a brief filed ahead of impeachment trial arguments that President Donald Trump ‘‘abandoned his oath to faithfully execute the laws and betrayed his public trust.’’

They also called his conduct the “worst nightmare’’ of the country’s founding fathers.

The brief Saturday came shortly after the White House sent the Senate a fiery response to its impeachment summons, outlining the defenses it expects to use in the upcoming trial.

Read the full story on

and speaking of oath of office?   How does deep-sixing investigations that can have a horrible blowback on McGlynn and city hall uphold the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

1,522,057 @ 7:58 pm 

Some people struggle with what they want to do for a living. Mark Rumley knew. “I always wanted to be a lawyer,” says Rumley, with a laugh. “Ever since I was in grammar school, I knew. I liked the idea of going to court and arguing.”

Yes, Mark, and on 9/1/16 you were thrown off of a witness stand for not being an actual witness; for having "irrelevant" testimony.

Yes, Mark, you tried to make the board meeting of the Medford Housing Authority a courtroom, I didn't need an objection that time, because it wasn't a court of law.

All I had to do was point and say: "You, sit down." And like a bad little school boy you did sit down.  After you lied to the citizens of Medford that the housing authority was a "separate body politic," this journalist exposed you and the conflicted uncle of the conflicted mayor, and Governor Deval Patrick put Sean Caron on the board after I did the hard work and heavy lifting.

Mark - you are a hypocrite.  
And you are delusional because you actually believe all this bullshit that you try to sell the city.

Put Michael Marks Mark Rumley in a Google search and my video comes up

City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury 
on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing a dozen years ago as of this writing 1/18/2020) saying:

“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”

Yeah, and if you try to discuss certain aspects of Rumley's career he'll threaten to sue you so you don't get to discuss to the public your opinion of Mr. Flip Flop.

Oh, that's Caraviello's name, isn't it.  Applies to Rumley as well.

You see, Mr. Rumley never encouraged citizens to use public access.  Rumley was the architect of censorship in Medford.

Rumley wants you to think that kissing babies and playing politics - his way - makes him a good person.

No.  A good person is someone who - when asked for something tangible - like a VHS tape pressed for Judge Jackson-Thompson and himself, The Chumley Report attacks from TV 3 - obtains that for Rumley and the judge.

Rumley never paid me for my fuel, my time, my digital video discs.  Rumley took it as if I owed it to him to pay, out of pocket, for the mighty city solicitor.

What a jerk.

What a selfish individual.

But as my witness in Cambridge District Court, Rumley gave legal advice to his good friend after I had Judge Gailey throw the attorney off of the case.  Judge Gailey called Rumley's friend "conflicted" and Rumley, my witness, gave the other side legal advice.

How disgusting is that?

Rumley is loathed by many citizens in Medford. They don't trust him.  They hate him.

But McGlynn has his contacts at the Transcript so Rumley gets this press that is one-sided, skewed and hardly the truth about the city lawyer who, in this writer's opinion, damaged Medford in such a way that it will take years to recover.

Any argument that this writer has done more to HELP the city of Medford?

The powerful city solicitor was anti-Medford, and he just loves to get good press that is not objective, and is hardly based in reality.

The reality is: You got screwed by Mark Rumley, residents of Medford.  But why let evidence sway your opinion from Mark Rumley's propaganda...or in his case - improper (get your) gander!  HA

What a joke.  What a sick joke.

Medford is so happy that the bad city lawyer is gone.  Now he gets to take your money with his bloated pension.