Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Disqualifying Mayor Burke from the 2019 Election -

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Breanna Must Slay the Dragons IF she wants the CORNER OFFICE
  • Finally, popular candidate and city council VP Breanna Lungo-Koehn has come out swinging about the police scandal.
    This writer jumped on it within hours and, though it took Ms. Lungo-Koehn a week to slam her opponent, Mayor Burke, for yet another disgraceful and unforgivable attempt at cheating the public, we'll take it.  Better late than never.

    Mayoral candidate Lungo-Koehn has her foot on the throat of the deficient mayor.  It's time to fully expose Mrs. Burke

    1)The gun magazine at the McGlynn School. This was Lungo-Koehn's issue to begin with. Drive the facts hard.

    2)A quarter of the police caught in a huge scandal, and Chief Buckley calls the cheats "good men and women."  Really?
      While Detective Mackowski, Paul Covino and other cops are a disgrace pressing false criminal charges on a journalist
      (guess I got their attention) and losing in criminal court, abusing the court system and Massachusetts taxpayer monies, not just Medford, well, those are not "good men," far from it.  They should be in prison for harassing the public when they took an
      oath to protect and serve.

    3)The public access funds - ripped off by the mayor when she failed to adhere to the Open Meeting Law. This journalist brought  to the attention of Michael "out for himself" Marks, Breanna Lungo-Koehn and Mea Mustone of the school committee. 

    Poor Mia, she was such an honest candidate, drawn to the dark side by Mayor Burke.  Remember when Ed Markey said "they can tell me where to sit but not where to stand" when they allegedly pushed the freshman congressman's desk out into the hall.  Well good old Ed now rolls over, begs, gives his paw --- whatever he has to do to live in the world of no term limits.  Joseph Kennedy III - this is going to be fun!  But I digress...

    4)The City Solicitor --- now you know Breanna will go all Michael Marks on us about going after that untrustworthy Mr. Rumley, but in a perfect world, Solicitor Mark E. Rumley is the key to all the corruption going on within two administrations.  Rumley's dishonesty is his trademark.  On the witness stand September 1, 2016 Rumley was trying (poorly) to defend a violent stalker that this victim had an HPO (Harassment Protection Order) on.  Well, I felt like Dorothy in the land of Oz, looking at the judge with a simple "Objection" Rumley was removed from the witness stand almost in the same fashion as his pal David Skerry getting escorted out of city hall by the police for mouthing off in front of retired judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson.  

    Breanna, with the world watching, these cowards are easy to remove.  Show some strength, you have the upper hand as Stephanie's former base has cracks in it.  People are telling me they WON'T vote for Stephanie again, they want someone new, and you happen to be very popular.

    Expose Mr. Rumley for the charlatan that he is.  To quote the mayor's husband when he attacked me at the Great Debate 1 _
    "Get that (vulgar word) out of there."
    The New York Times

    I can go on and on and on with the malfeasance at the corner office, within the halls of City Hall and 100 Main Street.

    But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.  I'm just the conscience on your shoulder, someone that they took severe advantage of, who got slugged by a city clerk, dragged into court on false charges, and who beat the bullies, who survived their extremely wrongful conduct.

    The police station needs to be fumigated.   They want to build a new station with corruption galore in regards to staffing?

    What did Jesus say?

    A reference to the parable of Jesus of New Wine into Old Wineskins, Matthew 9:14–17, Mark 2:21–22, and Luke 5:33–39: ... And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles

    Stephanie Burke, Chief Buckley, Mark Rumley want to stuff the old bottles (the officers of the law that you can't trust) into a new police station. 

    We need new bottles (a new staff) as desperately as we need that new wine (the new station).

    Chief Buckley's behavior in regard to this new incident is screwing the public trust.  Screwing the public.  Is he deluding himself to think that he's doing the right thing in league with the devils at city hall, or is Chief Buckley merely one of those garden variety devils himself, a joker, a charlatan, keeping the names of the offending officers out of the eye of the public.

    This is a public disgrace and they have all VIOLATED the public trust.

    They make the lies of Donald Trump look like the words of an honest boy scout, and this isn't funny.   Their behavior is SICK and because of it, the city of Medford is sick and on life support.

    What are you REALLY going to do about it, Breanna?

    Trump Has Disqualified Himself From Running in 2020

    The president’s brazen attempt at cheating has taken “decide it at the ballot box” off the menu. Impeachment is imperative.

    Contributing Opinion Writer

    Joe Viglione  

    Joe Viglione is quoted, published and thanked in many, many books worldwide. As film director of Marty Balin: Live at the Esplanade, out worldwide on the prestigious Music Video Distributors, he was able to successfully negotiate contracts between a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame artist and the label - an art as well as having the vision to capture an amazing event at the Hatch Shell in Boston.  And we rented from a public access TV station (Winthrop) further proving the importance of access television in preserving history and important art.

    For the past decade and a half some of those at Medford City Hall, the solicitor, Mark E. Rumley in particular, have maliciously attacked and maligned this award-winning filmmaker, award-winning radio host (since 1978) and award-winning access producer (1979.)  

    Why? Because Medford, the city, is infested with angry, jealous, petty "government officials" who cheat the public and who mess with the aforementioned "important art."

    Children in Medford have to worry more about being molested at the high school than learning computer programs for free.  Rumley and his pals allegedly let the wolves in the hen house, while demanding CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) on innocent people so that crooked Burke and crooked Rumley can spy on the competition.   R$UMLEY$$ - is he at Somerville court moonlighting, or is he using his taxpayer-funded e mail on another church website?  Oh, that's right, Rumley's too busy taking Thatcher Magoun's words and will out of context!, in my opinion!  So as Rumley's histrionics get in the way of a council meeting as surely was his sarcastic antagonism goes on the public record at a cable TV advisory meeting, the citizens of Medford have to listen to malarkey from Police Chief Buckley about the "good men and women" who put their hands in your back pocket, stole your wallet, got caught, a quarter of the police force, and these "damaged goods" types have Buckley and Mayor Burke telling you that it's a matter of public trust?

    The dishonesty at every level of Medford government is sickening.   And they have no shame about stealing elections...who's going to investigate?  Who is going to tell?  Not with the network of Martha Coakley, untrustworthy D.A. Marian Ryan, clerk of courts Michael Sullivan and Maura Healey letting the wolves eat the chickens, screwing Medford residents and the world out of the Paradise that Medford Could Be.    

    Turn Rumley States Evidence and the entire house of cards crumbles.  Rumley's a coward, at the first sign that of interest from the Feds, a yellow-bellied solicitor like Rumley will cave. Rumley who took a licking from TV3, yet fixates on harassing this senior citizen because Rumley  a)don't fight fair and b)would rather attack the elder person working on behalf of the citizens than face the ugly gang at TV3.

    This is the sick society that was once Medford.  It's now McGlynnTown, RumleyTown, BurkeVille, take your pick.

    And Jack Buckley shame on you.  I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you turned out to be a big disappointment.  Just part of the crooked club.  

@ 2:23 pm
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