Friday, July 24, 2015

Disgraced Malden Reprobate Being Blocked by Politicians?

406,892@1:26 am
406, @ 10:18 pm

kindly fly this link around to your friends   


Wow...I didn't know I had so much power!

Some fixated slob, a woman - allegedly - is claiming that - oh my God - this editor is "blocking" her on websites.  It's on Wicked Local tonight...unreal!

Ha ha...she admits in public that people don't like her.

St. Francis' board of directors or a similar board "bounced" her, so now she throws mud every time someone indicates that she is a pest.

The Malden Clown is CLUELESS!  And, after reading her post, paranoid too!!!!

"BTW, even if you block someone from seeing a Twitter feed, it is still visible to anyone who doesn't log into Twitter."   Clueless-the-clownhead


The troll with no soul seems to be pissing a lot of people off.  So she fixates on her prime victim.

What a sick puppy. 
