Thursday, November 5, 2015

Patricia Says. A poem. To update later

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I wrote this poem at the Jethro Tull Rock Opera tonight.
People leaving the theater earlier this evening.

Lots of verses be published soon
this post uploaded at 9:21 pm

Patricia says
Someday I'll meet my maker
But you know/ it won't be soon,
not with that sleazy undertaker

Adam and Rich /their weekly lies /they sure do plague us
But with Rent Boy dot com /Fred can go fly off to Vegas

Drunken Mike is bored /
he awaits my new subpoena
Must be why the guy retired /
 now he leaves it up to Lena

She's An older gal 
I really don't / want to upset her
So for Christmas - just for her
I'll kidnap the baby-sitter

The dirty city clerk, he "predicted" who would win
He'll make a chip go faulty, and do it for a fin 

The sacred sage, Im Ho Tep, he has lots of fans
If you're looking for "free cash", go check/ the Spring St pots and pans

You say Tom-ato, I say Don Paul-0
Just put in the key, the pots and pans get hollow

The VFW packed, smaller Shanghai - viper's bash
just a little get together, sucking in/all that/free cash

Patricia says

Patricia says I'll meet my maker
I consider that a threat
threw out my (Elton John song) years ago
his name was not _________________

Y'all come to this blog
like Pavlov's dog, sound of the bell
Patricia says the end is soon
that I will go to hell 

To be continued.  Of course

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