Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Religion and Politics

The problem  is when one group takes over a garden club or a TV station or a sewing circle and blocks the community out. Without a TV station, we had no voice. Once a group takes a small circle, that's when the freeze starts.- polarization begins. Mr. Ruggiero, Ms. Eforo, Mr. Amirault, Mr. McSweeney, all kept off of access TV. As many know, I've brought documents to light for the past 12 years on access. Reading, Stoneham, Peabody, Somerville all helped with our election - oh, Wakefield TV too. Why did we have to go to other cities and towns when Bill O'Keefe and Neil Osborne and Mark Crowley all could have benefited from the platform? All candidates, incumbents and courageous new faces, needed access TV. Let's see how it plays out.\