Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Who supported Stephanie Burke vs her opponent, the grass roots candidate

520,505 @ 10:51 pm 
597 from 7pm- 10:52 pm
238 minutes, 597 hits

STEPHANIE should be embarrassed!

Outside money, brand names that mean absolutely nothing...  and...what...she "wins"

by 550 votes - which are all highly questionable!!!

What a disaster of a candidate.

The weakest link in the whole chain is Stephanie Muccini-Burke

McGlynn was out walking the streets

Stephanie was nowhere to be found.

If she was such a great candidate, why wasn't she side by side with him?

She was TOO LAZY

She SNATCHED this election.  Period.

A political observation.  Telling it just the way it is. 

The unions
Local 25

She's so indebted, she will have to ask permission to show up for work. 

You took the survey on the kiosks...tell every Senior, STEPHANIE, that you are going to give every senior FREE PARKING

Then Republic in Chatanooga will sue you.

You'd better start showing up at the City Council

You better have CHARTER CHANGE immediately.

We will be on you like white on rice, Stephanie,