Saturday, May 14, 2016

Falco extends claws at Muccini-Burke Administration

705,102 @ 9:33 am
704,929 @ 12:34 am 

Told you that Falco wants to run for Mayor

(If you access the Medford Transcript link, please put on sunglasses for safety.  There's a huge glare and flare from Falco's bald head. Is it Template or tempate?  Only his hairdresser knows for sure...oh, wait! He doesn't have a hairdresser!) 

Falco: Budget info overdue, where are meeting schedule and template?

by Alex DUPE-enthal, duped by Nell


Posted May. 13, 2016 at 10:43 AM


With just more than six weeks until the deadline to pass a new city budget, Medford City Council newcomer John Falco is frustrated the group has yet to receive a budget meeting schedule, let alone a first draft of the budget itself.

As of Wednesday, Falco said the council still had not received details about upcoming budget meetings from the city’s administration.