Thursday, May 5, 2016

Matthew Page Lieberman - Reprobate Under Assumed Name

694,690 @ 7:56 am
694,685 @ 7:48 am
wow, people are up early reading this morning!

We've quietly been watching the scoundrels on Mike Ruggiero's Facebook page...recently compliments were issued regarding Medford Info Central.  Let us explore them.
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Information Central 

Your REAL EYE on Medford  tm

1)Mike Ruggiero hasn't reared his ugly head around Medford for the past few months, his nonsense limited to his internet etchings, but his true colors were exposed when he threw two city councilors under the bus at the library.

2)People are cordial to Ruggiero, but privately they tell me they want nothing to do with him.

What's charming here is that Ruggiero will delude himself and call the facts "attacks," but those on his page know that this news site has, to quote Nell Coakley of the Transcript on our reporting skills, "spot on."

Nell Coakley calls our coverage "spot on," while she's afraid to publish anything happening in this city, ostensibly for fear of losing advertising revenue from city hall.

That is a story in itself.