Saturday, June 18, 2016

Independence Day - FOR ONE KNIGHT ONLY...Madame Knight Might Be Right

738,888 @ 3:44 pm
738,883 @ 3:31 pm


Unqualified councilor Adam Knight has mocked me from his bully pulpit demanding to see my press passes or something similar. 

I've lost more press passes than Adam Knight will ever see, but that's beside the point.  More legitimate press passes than Adam Knight has given out fraudulent "congratulations," but I digress.

So, for days I've been looking in my mailbox for said press pass for Independence Day - the Sequel - and, lo and behold, no one is getting one, according to rumors.

Maybe I'll show up at the theater and use Adam Knight's name...that'll get me in, right?

"Hi, they rescinded all press passes to Independence Day, but I know Adam Knight."

Theater: Adam who?

JV: Adam Knight, Adam Knight.  His name won't get me in?   He says he's famous...

oh well, there's always my senior discount...

There have been no advance screenings, no press. There’s no press junket this weekend. My junketeer friends have received no information. There’s some kind of premiere on Monday in Los Angeles next week, a couple of days before the opening night in theaters. But nothing else is set for New York at all, and that is a bad bad sign.

But the cast did sneak into New York last week for stealth publicity: they rang the opening bell at the New York stock Exchange. They appeared in an AOL Build Speaker series, whatever that is. They were on Sirius XM Radio. On Friday, there was a premiere in Mexico City.
Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone, but “IDR” is coming. The cast must be wondering what’s going on. Or they know.

Independence Day Sequel: Fox Bracing for $200 Mil of Possible Bad News With No Advance Screenings and Stealth Press