Sunday, June 19, 2016

Judge Fabricant - don't pass the buck, Michael Sullivan isn't going to charge his subordinate for violating the canon of ethics.

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171 @ 11:48 pm
228 minutes, 171 hits on a Sunday night!

Brian S. Burke of Middlesex Superior Court called me the "M.F." word on October 15, prior to the Great Debate, 2015.

I believe he violated the Canon of Ethics.

Meanwhile, Judge Fabricant is auditioning for the role of Sgt. Shultz in the remake of Hogan's Heroes.  See no evil, hear no evil, when the evil is in Middlesex Superior Court.


A minority white male, who is a senior citizen, verbally assaulted by the Assistant Clerk of Middlesex Superior Court, in front of dozens of witnesses, and the CHIEF JUSTICE passes the buck to Brian S. Burke's BOSS!  You can't make this stuff up!

Victims have no rights.

I fully believe that Brian S. Burke is now retaliating on me for what he did.

1)On November 3, 2015 Brian S. Burke allegedly said "payback starts tomorrow."

2)Someone in Medford was threatened allegedly by Burke who said to him, allegedly maliciously, "I have a hit list."

Clearly, I was #2 on that list.

Dear Judge Fabricant, a Clerk of Courts allegedly has me on a "hit list."  And you let his boss handle it, a guy who supported that individual's wife for mayor?

What about Justice, Chief Justice?

Not for a senior citizen homosexual male bashed around by the Burke family because of this news media outlet and their hatred for the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The Chief Justice has no power to remove Brian S. Burke and press charges on him of harassment of a senior citizen at a political event?

In what universe?