Friday, April 7, 2017

In Memory of Charlie

953,877 @ 1:26 pm
953,858 @ 12:32 pm

TO: Medford City Officials and Medford Residents,

FROM: Journalist Joe Viglione

RE:     Charlie Shannon

I respectfully request that someone other than Adam Knight ask for a moment of silence regarding the passing of highly respected Senator, the late Charlie Shannon.

Charlie Shannon was responsive to the needs of citizens.  He helped in our neighborhood back in the day, sending me a personal letter about a situation on Salem Street that he was aware of, and that he worked to correct.

As Mr. Knight was allegedly a trainee under Mr. Shannon, what would the late Senator think when a veteran takes the podium and Mr. Knight shuffles papers, makes a nuisance of himself, loudly puts things away because he doesn't want to hear what a female veteran has to say about Meford history. 

That kind of thug-like behavior reflects poorly on the already embattled unions that Knight puts front and center, not the citizens of this city.

Then you've got Knight interrupting a former councilor Knight isn't fit to shine the shoes of.  Bogus "point of information" interruptions, juvenile antics, and remember - Knight voted for his own pay raise about 3 weeks in to his first appearances on the city council, thanks to outside monies and not the will of the people of Medford.

Remember the April 27, 2010 interruption of the city council by Matthew Page Lieberman?  Throwing punches, blowing kisses, being a complete freak?   Look at the police report filed on that reprobate when he and two others decided to maliciously, willfully and intentionally disrupt a city council of Medford meeting.

You are known by the company you keep and Adam Knight pals around with Page Lieberman, and may have (allegedly) engaged with Lieberman to attack a candidate for mayor during an election cycle.

Would Charlie Shannon put his campaign sign too close to a polling place as Knight allegedly did, if the photograph we have is correct?

Would Charlie Shannon continually put a resident's petition to the back of the pile, intentionally, and then walk out on the resident week after week after week, but taking the money that Adam Knight did not earn and does not deserve?

Many of you tell me privately how you feel about Mr. Knight's abuse of the city council, For the above antics and more we should have a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE called on Adam Knight and legally remove him from the council for interfering in free speech rights and more.   Replace him with Attorney Neil Osborne who would NEVER behave the way Knight behaves.

Barring the no-confidence vote, this council should at least have respect for itself and have another councilor offer the resolution regarding Charlie Shannon.  

What Adam Knight is doing amounts to grave robbing, using a respected Senator's name to bolster his own brand.  Adam Knight's theatrics are to seek votes, not to honor the memory of a good man who was our state senator.

Shame on Adam Knight.   Charlie Shannon, and this city, deserve better than this.


Joe Viglione