Sunday, April 9, 2017

Medford Housing Authority Payroll / Palm Sunday, Mercury Retrograde

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211 days to Election Day November 7. How residents can turn the tide.

Happy Palm Sunday.   On April 10, 2017 at 5 PM get ready for the board of directors of the Medford Housing Authority to install a hire by disgraced Robert Covelle, the brother-in-law of the disgraced dead sheriff, James V. DiPaol$$a.   The cronyism rolled out in front of the eyes of the public was stunning, and now it is returning like the planet Mercury going retrograde (which is happening today, Palm Sunday - hang on to your safety belts!)  Thank God it is in my sign, Taurus, so I can get bullish with things  

With a combination of Facebook Live and Public Records Requests this writer has opened the eyes of Medford residents - for along with the credibility of giving you solid, factual information, I simultaneously defeated some clod of a City Council President in court, and put meetings from Room 207 and Room 201 front and center for the public to see.    

So while the overpaid city council is working against you, dear citizen, you can rely on this writer to bring you the information on social media feeds, via public records requests, and with hard work and efforts that are honest and have your best interest(s) at heart.   

I will be posting some of the payroll at the Medford Housing Authority later today  Let us start analyzing where our money is going and how we can take control of the ship.,%20November%207,%202017&p0=43&ud=1&year=2017&month=11&day=7&hour=8&min=0&sec=0&fromtheme=generic