Monday, November 20, 2017

Paul J. Donato needs to resign Muccini-Burke and Michael Marks also involved in sleazy sex stunt in front of children

1,107,362 @ 2:45 pm

Mr. Donato has yet to take the hint that being caught on camera in front of small children and a student is unacceptable behavior.

Mayor Burke, Michael Marks and Paul Donato were all involved in this sex stunt at 10:30 am on October 15, 2017 at the high school, only two days after Jenna Tarabelsi was convicted of rape.


So this is how state Rep Donato celebrates the rape conviction? 

Meanwhile snickering baboon Stephanie Muccini- Burke thinks it is oh so funny

Exclusive: NYT White House correspondent Glenn Thrush’s history of bad judgment around young women journalists

Several women told Vox about their experiences with the star reporter, and the Times has suspended him pending an investigation.