Wednesday, November 22, 2017


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Ed Finn touching the votes in an election, and being in control of the recount, is like having John Dillinger and Al Capone all wrapped in one.

Ugly is as ugly does.

In fact, a John Dillinger verbal quote seems to be a mirror reflection of what some citizens believe Edward Finn is thinking  "I will be the meanest bastard you ever saw when I get out of here."

Hmmm...perhaps to a Bed and Breakfast in Maine come May 2018...where he can growl and spit at any Dennis the Menace types who cross his path!!!
Medford Housing Authority and disgraced reprobate Bob Covelle, brother-in-law of the late Sheriff DiPaola and pal of Mike McGlynn, just one snapshot of how bad things can get.

Now there's dishonest Edward P. Finn, an individual who assaulted an over 60 man and lied to the police about it, touching the votes in such an important position?  Why not Charlie Manson? Charlie's trial in the 70s was on the same day that Finn physically harmed a man in 2015.   Probably not a coincidence.

City Council meeting of 11/21/17: 

First - you have until 2 PM today 11/22/17 at City Hall to get your petitions in for next week.

2nd: last night was discouraging at the council, not only due to the usual shenanigans, but for the lack of citizens...few people in attendance - Tom Lincoln, Ken Krause, a Mr. Carr (Bill Carr?) the young lady from the Medford Transcript. 

No true activity from the community. How are we, as residents of this city, going to find solutions to the many problems ? This is about solutions, and public participation. 

A city of 60,000 can't expect 20 people to do all the work. Any ideas out there? Please show up Saturday 11/25 for the recount vote in Alden Chambers. 

Ed Finn, the city clerk, is not an honest individual. He can't be trusted at all. He is already displayed a mean streak, laziness and a penchant to serve his masters in the Administration, not the citizens. 

Let's see how this government works and keep an eye on them. 

What are the solutions? 

Where are the solutions?

Watch this site for my ideas on fixing a city.