Wednesday, March 6, 2019

D'Antonio Speaks - Viglione Answers ELECTION 2019 - Both Tony and I Agree that Muccini-Burke MUST be removed~either impeach, or vote the witch out!

Anthony D'Antonio Joe, stick to the point when talking about Muccini Burke. Please don't bring in National politicians or anything of that sort in any article you post in favor of Breanna. You lesson the argument to get Burke out of office when you do so. If you have a problem with Republicans or an issue with a city hall connected individual who you continue to besmirch in your rants please write it in a seperate comment. You are not helping Breanna and you will lose votes for her! 

It's extremely important that Burke is removed from office..the city is being destroyed by this clueless incompetent. Remember, there are 3000 plus republicans in the city plus 14,000 independents so when you bash Trump you risk losing votes for Breanna because many citizens still consider the election for mayor to be a partisan race and by mentioning your hate for republicans and Trump you will destroy Breanna's chances to win because people will connect you and Breanna with your rants. 
Put your deep rooted feelings of disdain aside for the good of this race. Medford cannot survive with Burke as mayor.

Joe V responds:

Well, Tony, that's your opinion. Your Facebook page is rife with absolute nonsense about Saint Robert Mueller and others, so you are asking me to not post facts about Trump while you post fiction about a great man like President Obama? Really? There are things people say, their personal opinion, that we all can disagree with. One thing is for certain: Muccini-Burke's machine is a buzzsaw and if some people are not going to vote for Lungo-Koehn because the true fact is Trump is a self-absorbed monster destroying our way of life, then they need their head examined. Trump is done, even the Republicans are tired of his apron strings. When Mitch McConnell - the anti-christ - is tired of Trump, well, the bell is tolling and Rand Paul is leading the charge.

Levin Report

Trump’s Dumb Trade War Cost Americans $3 Billion a Month Last Year

So good, so easy to win.

 Joe V to D'Antonio:

Let me repeat: Stephanie Muccini-Burke is so much like Donald John Trump that it is chilling
Anthony D'Antonio Tony, we do have common ground: ELECTION 2019 - Both Tony and I Agree that Muccini-Burke MUST be removed~either impeach, or vote the witch out!

This was my response to Larry G, but it applies to Tony as well.
(about 10:55 am  3-6-19)

Poll: 64 percent of Americans think Trump has committed crimes

David Knowles

Larry G:

So can somebody go to jail just because people believe he is guilty? Or do we actually have to have like a trial and some evidence???? Asking for a friend...

Joe Viglione states:

When it comes to the safety of our nation I believe it was incumbent on President Barack Obama to engage Martial Law "military government, involving the suspension of ordinary law" to investigate Russian collusion with the attempt to build the Trump tower and how the election was - so obviously - tainted. There was no question whatsoever that Barack Obama is popular and could be elected again, same with Bill Clinton. There were questions surrounding the elections of Trump, George W. Bush and Democrat John F. Kennedy. However, Kennedy and Bush were inside jobs whereas Donald John Trump had motive, means and opportunity to collude with forces that we had a nuclear stalemate with in the 1960s. It boggles the mind that our government did not protect Americans by allowing the toxic Trump to do the damage that he has done - the poisonous tree known as Trump, and everything that dirty rat does is the fruit of the poisonous tree. Trump is an illegitimate president, our country is under Bastard law, snubbing his nose at the Constitution, ignoring the rules, acting like a despot, acting just like Kim Jong Un and Vladmir Putin - ignoring what the majority of Americans want and acting like a thief in the night, caught, looking up at the flashlights and saying: What? Trump worry? I'm now the ruler of the free world. The free world is no longer free under the Corleone/Trump family business. With the world at stake, Larry, I say, no trial, just lock him up, just as he wanted to do to the woman who beat him by over 3 million votes.


When we forsake the rule of law....we become no better than the scumbags that are breaking it. Even the most evil terrorist deserves a trial and due process. I agree with much of what you are saying.....but I am not willing to shortcut what really makes this country great, and that is the assumption that someone is innocent until proven otherwise. I lived in China for a number of years, they can lock you up there for a mere suspicion of being guilty of a crime. They can hold you indefinitely and you don’t face a trial with a jury of your peers....judges who are government lackeys decide your fate and your guilt. It is a horrible system and one we must avoid at all costs...


You might not be willing to cut it short, but the individual in the White House has no such ethics. All is fair and love and war, and this is definitely a war monger palling around with terrorists, to paraphrase Sarah Palin

A man of such questionable ethical standards should be leaving a trail of culpable evidence longer than Mass Ave.....let’s bring forward the undeniable proof and convict the fucker!

they have the proof, I'm just shocked that they take their blessed time. Knowing how the law works, Mueller has left a trail of legal breadcrumbs (all the convictions) for the public to mull over (no pun intended) The public is too stupid to 

a)get it 

b)know what to do with it. 

LARRY  11:09 am
I agree 100%. I think Mueller is borderline incompetent. A blind dog could have sniffed out a thousand crimes by’s been almost 2 godamn years!

JOE V  11:10 am

As pissed as I am at Mueller for taking his time (he is, after all, a Republican) I think Mueller is dotting his i's and crossing his t's when this is URGENT.

Joe V responds to Larry again 11:15 am
Trump is going to squash the Mueller report anyway. Mueller knew this, so the Democrats are getting the facts out into the open. The Democrats WILL see the report, someone will leak it, probably Mueller himself

JOE V yesterday 3-5-19

Maximize the probes, Mark, Maximize them due to the poll!

(The probes of Trump AND Muccini-Burke)
Trump signals White House won't comply with Democratic probes

BY JORDAN FABIAN - 03/05/19 02:44 PM EST 11,890

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on Tuesday signaled the White House will not comply with a barrage of congressional investigations, accusing Democrats in the House of launching the probes to hurt his chances of winning reelection in 2020.

“It's a disgrace to our country. I'm not surprised that it's happening. Basically, they've started the campaign. So the campaign begins,” Trump told reporters at the White House after signing an executive order on veterans’ suicide prevention.