Friday, March 1, 2019

More Determined Than EVER BEFORE to Bring Rick Caraviello, Ed Finn and a Rogue Detective to Justice

1,317,961 @ 2:02 pm
You don't hear me talking about an upcoming Federal Case against the city of Medford much.

Rest assured.  All will be revealed soon.

We had a setback with an attorney for federal court getting ill, but we have a new legal team we are putting together and Richard F. Caraviello will be exposed for all to see.

That individual will be about as credible as Everett's Stat Smith once the trial begins.

Trust us.

It will be a new dawn in Medford 

I am persistent.

Councilor Marks says that I am smart and articulate.

And my mission in life is to expose Caraviello.

ANYONE who knows me, anyone who saw the 15 years or more fighting for public access rights, knows that Caraviello will be brought to justice.

So help me God.

And there will be a LOT of collateral damage in the justice system when the facts are brought to light.

One Federal Suit Will Fix All!

"It's not a threat to threaten to sue."

Judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson when she awarded me the victory in Woburn District Court over MediaOne (now Comcast) in the 1990s.