Monday, March 4, 2019

Remove Muccini_Burke from Office - Either Impeach or Vote her Out

Editorial: Remove Stephanie Muccini-Burke from the office of the mayor of Medford 

 Is that Stephanie Burke campaigning for Mike McGlynn circa 2013? How unbecoming!

Haven't we had enough, Medford residents? On the campaign trail in 2015, didn't Stephanie say that she would give senior citizens free parking? Seniors over 65 have to be $25.00 a year - oh - golly gee -something I can look forward to this year...while those under 65 considered in the eyes of the law to be seniors can go fry ice.
Stephanie holds all the cards, and she has so much in common with Donald Trump that it is startling, and chilling. Do as they say, not as they do. You tell the truth, Stephanie and Donald lie. 

Have you had enough yet, Medford citizen?