Friday, March 1, 2019

Trump Has Divided Our Country - An Editorial By Joe Vig

Why do Republicans INSIST on Their Position without ANY evidence, and put down their Progressive/Democratic friends when the evidence stares you in the face daily, hourly...every minute of the day!

      Why do people assume the verified lies of Donald Trump are factual?  

     A friend on the phone on February 28th, morning, said to me that there were "stolen ballots" in California.   The friend gave me no facts, no evidence, just blurted it out in a manner that was attempting to assure me that it was true.

      I asked her if she heard about the Republicans stealing the North Carolina election.  Interesting how when you have facts - and four individuals arrested the same day she's calling me to make some crazy statement about California ballots she claims were stolen, the Republicans were caught red-handed doing what they accuse others of doing: stealing elections.

     Notice how our Republican friends never apologize, never admit that they are wrong, only point the finger and make stuff up with no verification, no facts, just their word from Fox News or Breitbart, organizations totally discredited yet still able to be the "Pied Piper" leading their followers into the ditch.

Heck, they won't even believe Jesus the Christ  (Matthew 15:14) when he warned:
King James Bible
Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.


     Trump believed the bloodthirsty dictator instead of the Warmbier family, a family whose son was murdered by North Korea.    Trump is flattered by dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un, and his followers applaud him?  There is simply no discussion when a fraud president humiliates his country, no argument, no civic talk.  They are right and you are wrong in their minds, because they are so very wrong.

"Fast forward to Thursday in Hanoi, when, at a summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Trump said this of Warmbier and North Korea: "He tells me that he didn't know about it and I will take him at his word." Trump added that Kim "felt badly about it. He felt very badly."

Donald Trump's shocking, shameful about-face on Otto Warmbier

When Republicans put Trump over a dead 22 year old American who was tortured, they've lost the argument. But they continue to be blindsided by a corrupt host of the Apprentice who stole the election from Hillary Clinton and who has been a total thug, a disaster.

      And that's what the followers of Donald J. Trump are doing: pointing the fingers at Democrats when Trump failed to negotiate with a brutal dictator, Kim Jong Un - perhaps they wanted Trump to negotiate with Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot ...
      I looked up "california ballots stolen" on Google and found articles  that were impressive: that the Democrats followed the law:

2018 midterms

The New Republican Myth of California Voter Fraud

  To those unfamiliar with GOP rhetoric, I should explain that “voter protection laws” means laws making it as hard as possible to vote. 

Look at the San Francisco Chronicle:

 California Democrats took advantage of seemingly minor changes in a 2016 law to score their stunningly successful midterm election results, providing a target for GOP unhappiness that is tinged with a bit of admiration.

I can provide proof, documentation, but the GOP doesn't want to hear it.  They have been drinking the Trump Kool-Aid and when we need a united country, Trump has divided it.

    These are the Fragmented States of America and the rat bastard who is destroying our country leaves his diarrhea on Twitter, on the White House lawn, spitting in the face of every good American, dividing us, not bringing us together.

    Read it and Weep, Republicans.  There IS voter fraud, and it is committed by a caught-red-handed Republican party:

 North Carolina

North Carolina operative out of jail in ballot case

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - The main suspect in the ballot-fraud allegations at the bottom of a still-unsettled North Carolina congressional election is out of jail.
Leslie McCrae Dowless was released Thursday from the Wake County jail in Raleigh after posting bond. He was arrested Wednesday and charged with seven felonies accusing him of illegally handling ballots during last year’s primary election and the 2016 elections.
North Carolina law makes it illegal for anyone other than a voter or their immediate family to handle a mail-in ballot.

Operative who stole Black voter ballots in disputed North Carolina ...

TheGrio (blog)-Feb 27, 2019
Operative who stole Black voter ballots in disputed North Carolina ... the center of a ballot fraud scandal was arrested Wednesday on criminal charges over activities in the 2016 elections and the Republican primary in 2018.

Republicans May Have Stolen a North Carolina Congressional Seat ...

Paste Magazine-Dec 4, 2018
Republicans May Have Stolen a North Carolina Congressional Seat Through ... The onus is on the GOP to explain how this isn't election fraud.


Political operative, four others arrested in North Carolina ballot fraud ...

USA TODAY-Feb 27, 2019
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The political operative at the center of an election fraud scandal that has engulfed a North Carolina congressional race ...
North Carolina Operative Indicted in Connection With Election Fraud
In-Depth-New York Times-Feb 27, 2019

Ivanka Trump 'Caught Lying on Air' About Jared Kushner's Security ... hours ago
Not so, according to the Times report: “President Trump ordered his chief of staff to grant his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, ...
House panel demands White House turn over Kushner documents ...
Live Updating-The Guardian-3 hours ago

Trump's Hero!
Pol Pot was a political leader whose communist Khmer Rouge government led Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. During that time, an estimated 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork. ... Millions of people living in Cambodia were killed during the brutal ...