Sunday, September 8, 2019

Illogical Mayor Burke's Drunken Harlot Behavior

1,391,938 @ 12:38 pm
13,695 last month
And you thought Court Clerk Brian S. Burke was the clod! with allegations of drinking and facts about his use of profanity, cussing in public.

A word about the photograph: Whether Mayor Burke is giving the "finger" - flipping the bird, or using her index finger / pointer finger as if she's giving the finger, look at her appearance and how the mayor of Medford is behaving. 

She looks like some drunk harlot, and Mayor McGlynn does himself no favors:

a)being party to it, 

b)laughing or smirking, basically, politicians acting like jackasses knowing that incriminating photos have a way of getting out there, especially with people who can see exactly what is going on behind the wizard's curtain

Incriminating political photos find a way of rising to the top

Rest assured, I've sent the photo to multiple major media outlets. 

It just looks so bad. 

A mayor of a city of 60,000 plus behaving like she's in fifth grade. It is demeaning, it is degrading, it does no service to the city of Medford. 

You don't have to be a prude to understand the Spiderman axiom: With great power comes great responsibility. Mrs. Burke's behavior is offensive, vulgar, crude and has no place in Medford city life. 

I won't stand in the way of someone trying to embarrass themselves at a party, but a mayor can't be irresponsible. This is what Stephanie Muccini-Burke thinks of her oath of office and her alleged service to you. It is despicable.