1,401,013 @ 7:32 pm
590 since 8 pm 9/18/19
17,846 past month
1,255 page views yesterday after the primary election
*Please note that Arthur Deluca - one of the TV3 reprobates - attempts to screw around with our numbers by repeatedly watching the blog. You can remove about 2,000 hits for all the times that former TV3 board members Mark Rumley and Art Deluca stay obsessed with our news outlet if you choose to. They have nothing better to do!
Also, note, 1,255 yesterday minus 590 today = 665 - so we almost matched half the total of the day after election day's BIG numbers. We thank our readers for their support.
The Honest To God's Truth
Behind the scenes we've been working our magic building a new community media model. Prior to our sending out information to larger news outlets, we've been approached to participate with a major news agency.
Our numbers tell the story - our public records requests and Open Meeting Law filings, resulting in admonishing the mayor and the disability commission, are results that benefit the citizens of Medford and expose the dark underside of ugly Medford politics.
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