Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Muccini-Burke's Attacks on Our Freedoms An Editorial

1,394,113 @ 9:54 am 9-10-19
14,939 past month
Some Thoughts 55 Days from the Election. 

A Joe Viglione Essay

With no term limits in Medford we have no real crop rotation. 

Mayor Burke stated in 2015 she is against term limits; Mayor McGlynn bristled when I was in his office demanding term limits at the cable station, TV3. With rumors of election meddling a change of the city's Charter and term limits benefit the citizens. Failure to change the Charter, failure to institute term limits, opens the door to problems when politicians get entrenched and offer jobs and positions to family, not serving the people of any city or town.

Part 1. To be continued. Medford School Committee
Current two year term expires January 2020
Chairperson: Mayor Stephanie M. Burke Medford City Hall, 85 George P. Hassett Drive (781) 393-2408 https://www.medfordpublicschools.org/about/central-administration/school-committee/

A "Jim C" on the Facebook page is complaining about the photo of Mayor Burke allegedly giving the finger to firefighters.
There were a series of 8 comments, which Jim just removed. Defending bad behavior by a mayor was not very constructive, saying -in essence - that she had a right to party down and enjoy herself.


The same mayor who sent out ugly and erroneous homophobic "robo calls" or disguised poll calls aimed at her 2015 opponent, Bob Penta.

As chairperson of the school committee I find such bizarre behavior offensive.   It's like police using social media to think they have a First Amendment right...well, when that information can be used against them in a court of law, the lack of restraint some police officers put on display only hurts them, and helps the defense.  So the First Amendment is an interesting law that has different shades of applicability - the worst being that free speech is only free for those who are able to pay for it.

If Mrs. Burke wants to be class clown at any wedding she has my permission - as a private person.  But as mayor she has an obligation to every citizen, not just those who voted for her, to not act like this: